Chapter sixteen

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When Thor awoke the next morning, his arm was as sore as it could be. Even though it was stitched up and wrapped tightly in bandages, it still hurt bad enough for it to wake him up when he accidentally rolled over on to it.

He gave a groan, shifting and sitting up the slightest bit, his good arm reaching order to poke at the bandages, cringing at the pain. "Loki... do we have any painkillers...?"

No response.

"Loki, wake up." Thor ordered, not bothering to look over at him until he was left with silence for another long moment. "Loki?"

Beside him, the bed was empty, sheets and pillow left rumpled, showing definite signs that someone had slept there. Loki had left, and in his wake was the small, circular device that had previously been attached to the trickster's neck, placed delicately on the pillow, exactly where Loki knew it would be seen.

It sent a simple message- Loki was not his bitch.

And no matter how hard Thor tried to make him one, he was far to slippery to be held down long enough.

Thor glanced around the room, and just as he'd expected, Loki was long gone. Probably volunteering or something.

Thor thought nothing of it, getting changed and brushing his hair, cleaning himself up and putting on civilian clothes for the first time in a long while. His quarters felt so lonely without the trickster, and so Thor soon enough found himself wandering down to the control room.

The door slid open with a mechanical groan and he stepped inside the large room, grinning at the few people inside who turned at his entrance.

"Morning, sleepy head. How was nap time?" Valkyrie uttered, having gone back to kicking at a piece of machinery that refused to work properly.

"My king," Heimdall greeted rather respectfully.

Banner, who was on his back, laying underneath the control panel as he attempted to make alterations to certain features, had attempted to say something, although it had echoed and been muffled by the equipment enough that no one understood what he had said.

Thor clapped his hands together, grinning at the sight of his friends and the open space before them. "Alright! What are we to do today, Heimdall?"

It was a large room, with many panels upon panels of controls and such, with a large window across the front, giving them a perfect view of what lay ahead.

"It is your decision, your highness." Heimdall's smile was almost soft as he stood at attention, watching Thor enter the room and sit in the large chair  that overlooked what seemed like the whole galaxy.

The throne had been moved from its original spot in the giant main chamber, and that chamber had been made into a dining hall of sorts. Now, the throne sat in the control room, overlooking the universe. It was big, as was Thor, and it made him feel and look just as powerful as he actually was.

"How's the scanning system coming, Banner?" Thor asked, leaning over the side of his throne to look back at the man who was currently crawling out from under a control panel,  his hair a mess, grease on his face.

"We'll have to test it, but if I did everything right then we should be able to see what kind of planet it is and how much oxygen is in the atmosphere, that kinda stuff." The man did his best to readjust his clothes, still unused to Asgardian style garments, Even if he was only wearing a simple, short tunic and trousers. "If I did this right, then we might even be able to find out what's in the soil, element wise, that kinda specifics... and if there's any giant monsters like last time."

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