Chapter Thirty One

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They moved much slower now that they had no reason to run, Korg limping a bit with Miek clinging to one leg, Thor a bit dizzy from being choked.

Loki was on the verge of unconsciousness, barely blinking, doing his best to partake in conversation to keep himself somewhat awake. He couldn't sleep. He couldn't sleep.

He couldn't sleep.

But his eyelids felt so heavy, and Thor was so warm and strong and comforting, and...

"Talk to me." Thor ordered, jolting him a bit to wake him up, the trickster groaning in response.

"But I'm so tired, just let me..."

"Loki." The word was firm, and the Jotun couldn't help but sigh, eyes fluttering open to meet the steely glare of the king of Asgard.

"Fine." Loki hissed, "I'll talk... you know that grandmaster man? He had a very long cock."

Bruce, who'd been taking a drink from the leather pouch they'd been using to carry water, choked and ended up spraying the water about, body wracked with heavy coughing.

"He was at least seven inches, not counting the tip." Loki finished, trying to get comfortable in Thor's arms once again.

Thor just about dropped him right there, growling something about not wanting to hear about other man's cocks. Bruce, once he was able to breathe, chimed in; "Is... is that why you had the codes to the orgy ship."

"Please, that man was so easy to fool. I never did anything with him. Well, I suppose I had to use my mouth once." He admitted, taking a moment to remember the instance, Thor scowling at him when the trickster unconsciously licked his lips. "There was once where he expected me to put out, and there were no warm fruit readily available, so I truly had no choice. Really, he thought he was taking me from behind. Illusions really are so simple, but making someone feel pleasure is complicated. Pain come easier, that's why I can stab people and have them feel it, when in reality they haven't been stabbed at all... but pleasure... pleasure is not a one-sided experience."

There was a bit of a stunned silence, until Korg asked, "Have you seen any other cocks, bro?"

Thor almost laughed at that, and Loki contemplated his answer for a moment.

"I've seen many different cocks in my life, Korg." The man replied, shifting a bit in Thor's grip to hide from the others the fact he had a firm hold on Thor's groin. "'On Midgard, I think I've seen the most. You'd be surprised just how many strange aliens live on that planet. I found myself in a sex club just outside of Disneyland once, and there was Minnie Mouse, with the biggest tentacle of a cock I'd ever seen. It must've been at least a foot long. I pity anyone who should attempt to take it."

"You went to a DisneyLand sex club?" Bruce asked, sounding almost horrified.

"Not a DisneyLand sex club, a sex club about a block away from Disneyland. Mickey was there too, but his penis was... disappointing."

"Are we allowed to say Disneyland and penis in the same breath?" Bruce asked, "I feel like that should be a crime."

"It is a small world after all." Thor muttered.

The entire team laughed at that, even Miek, who made some sort of squeaking sounds as laughter.

They'd exited the tunnel long before then, finally on flat ground, walking through long grass that Loki was able to reach down and touch with his fingers, deep red eyes looking up at the empty sky, looking a bit dazed.

After that, they all fell silent, cherishing the fact they could still all laugh together after the horror's they'd faced.

The trickster was pale, and he appeared quite faint, laying limp in Thor's arms, his languid arm hanging down to brush the grass as they walked. His breathing was shaky, unsteady, and blood from his shoulder stained his deep blue skin, pooling in certain areas where the markings rose up from his skin to create almost barriers.

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