Chapter nineteen

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"I'm intersex."

The words were firm, yet casual, as he was simply stating a fact. The trickster's face gave away no emotions whatsoever- it was like a stoic mask, covering just how panicked he was. He sat up slowly, and his brother did the same.

Thor regarder him with a blank stare, one that made anxiety pool in Loki's chest.

"What does that mean?"

Loki almost laughed. Of course, Thor had no idea what it meant. Of course! Classic fucking Thor. Too stupid to know what intersex meant. Great, now he had to explain.

"I have both male and female reproductive systems."

"...You could've just said that, Loki."

God, the Prankster was doing all he could not do throttle him. 

Thor almost laughed, his grin wide. "So you've got both? Is that because you're a frost-giant? How- how did I not know this? We grew up together, we took baths together until we were at least 500-"

Loki, allowing his facade to crumble, was bright red in the face as he grabbed Thor by the collar, yanking him forward to crush their lips together once again, this time forcefully as he pushed Thor down on to his back, straddling him as his hands worked on taking off his armour. When Loki pulled back, Thor seemed rather breathless, a wild grin on his face. "What was that for?"

"Shutting you up." Loki practically hissed it, deft yet somewhat shaky hands undoing every strap and buckle, tossing the metal armour away.

Thor's chest was broad and strong, his skin golden with a deep tan. Loki ran his hands over his strong body, skin pulled tight over powerful muscles. "Thor, I want to take you." 

"Then take me."

Thor's belt was big and thick, and it took Loki a moment of wrestling with the buckle to pull it off, the thunderer watching with rather hungry eyes. Thor's big hands soon came to help, Loki shifting off of him to allow Thor to sit up and unbutton his trousers, pushing them down and kicking them off, left in nothing but his boxers.

A wave of anxiety washed over the little trickster at the sight of the outline, the big cock that was being held captive by  the fabric of his boxers. Loki was quick to free him, yanking them down, his cock springing up and almost hitting the Jotun in the nose.

God, it was thick, and it was so much longer now that it was hard and pulsing. Loki could feel his own cock throbbing against the fabric, though he did his best to focus on the one in front of him. It matched the colour of Thor's lips, and even when Loki wrapped a hand around it, it still looked too big to be real. God, damn. So the Aesir really did have bigger cocks.

"It won't fit." Were the first words to leave Loki's lips, his eyes wide in awe as he looked over the big cock, which pulsed in his hand, precum gathering at the tip. God, this was terrifying. It would never fit. Loki was tight with two fingers, how was this supposed to fit?

"Oh, it will." Thor promised, smiling down at Loki as he knelt on the bed, the trickster sitting in front of him. "Now suck."

Loki would never admit how much heat was sent to his groin when Thor had ordered him that. "Make me."

A firm hand on the back of his head, and Loki wrapped his lips around Thor's tip, using his seidr to quickly get rid of his gag reflex as he took him as far as he could go, the bulge of his cock visible in the trickster's throat. Thor's hand on the back of his head gripped his hair, pulling him back before pushing him to the hilt.

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