Chapter ten

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Thor's headache was one of nightmares, pounding and painful, the lights stabbing him every time he opened his eyes. His head hurt, his hands hurt, his whole body hurt- yet, when he noticed Loki by his side, none of that seemed to matter.

"Brother..." he muttered, still looking quite out of it. "Is the troll dead...?"

Loki almost smiled. "No. But none of that matters now, Thor. What matters is that the king of Asgard is in fairly bad condition."

"What do you mean...? I feel... completely fine." Thor almost laughed, it was an obvious lie.

They were not in their shared quarters, no- instead, the make-shift infirmary. Thor had suffered from hypothermia and a fairly bad concussion, and multiple physical injuries, including the burns to his hands.

Speaking of Thor's hands- one was in Loki's. Thor didn't notice, at first, but soon enough it came to his realization that Loki was holding one of his hands, carefully unwrapping the gauze around the burn, setting it aside before smearing a cool salve over the blisters on his palm.

"How's your head?"

"Hurts. I've got a headache. The light hurts." Thor muttered, making sure to keep his eyes on the man beside him and what he was doing. "Aren't you supposed to be volunteering...?"

"They gave me a day off, because of your state." Loki whispered, unwrapping some fresh bandages before starting to fit them around Thor's palm. Once he was finished, the man dimmed the light with a flick of his wrist. "Better?"

"Mmm... somewhat." Thor tried to lift an arm to rest it over his forehead, and although he was sore and it hurt to move it, he managed to do so, looking at his brother with the narrow field of vision he had left. "I'm... surprised you're here..." he muttered, giving a bit of a yawn before wincing and squeezing his eye shut as Loki began to wrap his hand up once again. "That's too tight, loosen it off."

For once, Loki listened to him, and unwrapped what he had done so far to redo it a bit looser, although with a bit of a scowl on his face. "Is that any better?"

"Yes, thank you."

The small victories were what made Thor smile the most, with his brother. Loki was rather unamused by Thor's grin.

"What's so funny that you've sported such a grin, Brother?"

"Nothing, Loki. I... I simply remembered what you look like with breasts." A lie, though a fairly good coverup.

"Say what you will, though I think I look rather beautiful as a woman."

Just like that, a glitter of green rolled over him and suddenly he seemed almost smaller, his fairly tight clothing revealing breasts and a cinched waist. Upon his porcelain-white face were lips as red as a bloodstain, fuller than normal.

When Loki let the illusion fade, Thor was almost a bit startled, coming to a rather shocking realization.

Loki normally altered his appearance to appear more masculine. But like this, in a small room with only his brother, he let it all fall down.

Thor was surprised he'd never noticed it before. It wasn't hard to see- Loki had a rather gender-neutral look, and so around others he altered his appearance to appear far more manly-looking than he was.

He was Loki, and always would be. Loki, with the high cheekbones and the delicate curves, a strong yet lithe body. With a face as white as a clay mask and lips as red as a bloodstain, ones that Thor would love to bruise with kisses. With a knife in one hand and magic in the other, Loki was both, a warrior and a sorcerer, a man and a woman, Thor's love yet enemy. He was good, yet evil. He was Loki.

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