Chapter twenty six

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Thor awoke with his head pounding. He'd fallen asleep on the floor of the ship, beside where Loki lay in slumber safely in the hammock he'd been placed in. The Asgardian didn't even bother trying to sit up, simply squeezing his eye shut, trying to block the light with a hand. The light was not helping his throbbing headache.

He was dizzy, too. God, just how hard had he hit his head?

"Thor?" It was Bruce, creeping closer slowly, carefully, "Thor, don't move. You've got a concussion, you have to sleep." His words were quiet, a rushed whisper, as if speaking any louder would cause a reaction that Bruce really didn't want.

"Banner, I have to get up, we have to-"

"I know, I know, time is running short when it comes to food supplies on the ship, but... Miek and Korg seem fairly on-task, sometimes, and... you're hurt, both you and Loki are the most hurt of all of us. You gotta rest."

"I can't rest, Banner, the fate of Asgard is-" He sat up a little too fast, head spinning and vision wavering dangerously, "Oh..."

Bruce forced him slowly back down, pushing his shoulders back until he was laying. "You can't save Asgard until you can stand without getting dizzy."

"Don't tell me what I can and can not do," Thor hissed through clenched teeth, eyes squeezed shut.

It was then that there was movement, the hammock Loki was positioned in rocking ever so slightly after he'd shifted his arm. The grunt that slid past his lips was one that has done so unconsciously, somewhat quiet yet still there. He was waking, albeit slowly, and as soon as he'd made the slightest of movements Thor was slowly and steadily shifting to look at him, to press a hand to his forehead, to look over the once-black patch.

The patch, which had been pitch black and scaly the last time he'd seen it, was now a pearly white with pink undertones. The scaliness of it gone completely, as if they'd all melted together to form the white metallic sheet that sealed his wounds.

"Don't touch it." Bruce almost ordered, as if he'd read Thor's mind. "Or him, for that matter. You can't force him awake, he has to wake up on his own." The man placed a hand on Thor's shoulder, and it was then that the thunderer finally grasped the reality of their situation.

Bruce's clothes were burned and sliced in many different sections and in many different ways. They were definitely broken, now- yet he still wore them. They were all he had, currently. What choice did he have? Thor's clothes weren't much better. Loki was only wearing leather pants.

The ship they were resting in was all but destroyed. The tide had somehow pushed it far enough into shore for it to be just about in grass, Korg having then decided to pull it on to the grass so they'd have somewhere softer to lay. The top had been ripped off, but most of the walls were intact, and it was no longer on fire. The doorway they'd sealed up with parts of leaves and branches to make a door that was good enough to keep the animals out. Inside, they'd hung hammocks from emergency blankets, and although they were noisy, they were sturdy and warm, even if they were a little bit tight. Korg and Miek had chosen to sleep in beds of grass instead, as Korg was too big for their hammocks and Miek did not want to puncture one.

They were not in good shape. Korg was a bit pointy after some chunks had broken off, Miek was missing a hand, Bruce was fairly bruised. Thor had a fairly bad concussion. And Loki had been stabbed. Sure, he'd survived a stabbing before, but that was with a knife thing. Loki was good with knife things. And he wasn't taken off guard by that knife thing. He could easily manipulate that- but how was he supposed to anticipate and manipulate a random piece of the ship that was about to puncture him?

Nonetheless, they had to have hope. They had to make a plan. And they had to find a way off of that planet.

"Are you hungry?" Bruce asked, voice suddenly soft and a hand on Thor's shoulder. The thunderer had taken his armour off to sleep, and was now shirtless, his chest strong and tan and fairly bruised. Thor found himself nodding, letting out a shaky breath as he glanced back at Loki, who was still unconscious.

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