Chapter fourteen

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When Thor emerged from the bathroom, he was clothed in a towel and nothing else, the deep V in his hips very much visible, along with the strong curves of his body. He was a muscular, and very attractive man, that he knew- and he looked strikingly similar to Grim.

When Loki had turned his head to glare at the man, he found himself unable to stop the hard look from softening. Oh, god, not again.

Loki was well in control of his emotions. Now, however, he was not so much in control of his body, especially not when Thor dropped the towel as he went in search of new clothes.

The uncomfortable press of his hardening cock against the mattress was one that startled him, taking the trickster by surprise. Soon enough, he hid any sign of it with seidr- however, he couldn't make it just magically go away completely. Though it was hidden from view, it was still there.

He was hard. And by the time Thor actually had some pants on, Loki was completely rigid, pulsing uncomfortably underneath him. Thank god he was still laying on his stomach, although his book was along forgotten and now he was simply watching Thor.

"And here I thought you hated it when I undressed in front of you," Thor grinned, catching the trickster's eye. with a raised eyebrow. "You sure seemed to claim so. Yet look at you now, watching me dress myself."

Loki hissed something incomprehensible, before turning back to his book. Stupid Thor. Making him hard. Now he was uncomfortable. Loki was quick, however, very quick, with coming up with a plan on how to take care of it.

"I have a request," Loki started, looking over his shoulder at the man once again. He tossed the book he'd been reading at the blond oaf, who caught it with ease.

"Which would be...?"

"Fetch me another book, preferably one with decent content, and in English, though Norse is fine as well. And hurry. I'm antsy."

Thor couldn't help but grin. "Aight. I may take a while, however, as I must speak with Heimdall and Valkyrie on our search for a hospitable planet." The thunderer pulled on a shirt, before nodding to his brother and exiting the room, closing the door behind himself.

Loki made sure he had heard Thor's footsteps disappear down the hall before he'd slid down his silk trousers, rolling on to his back as his cock sprung free rather elegantly, standing tall and proud. It was long and pale, reasonably thick with precum already beading at his tip. A picture perfect cock.

It hadn't been very long since Loki had last been hard like this. While at the bar he was turned on, sure, but when he was on his knees, in a position of submission as he pleasured the man above him, he'd been stiff between his legs while his tongue and lips worked their magic. The grandmaster had neglected Loki's pleasure, focused on his own, and yet somehow, that made it even more thrilling, his first truly sexual experience with anyone other than himself.

A shudder shook him at the shoulders as he wrapped his cool hand around his thick cock, a quick and simple spell coating his palm in oil to make it far easier for himself, his cock slicked up fast, eyes fluttering shut.

It was a rare occasion that Loki pleasured himself so, touching his cock until he saw stars and he was satisfied. This time, however, it was a whole new kind of rare, as he did something he'd never tried in the past.

While his legs instinctively spread, a hand slipped down and felt it, the now dripping wet part of him he'd always tried to ignore.

After seeing Thor's cock, he couldn't help but think about what it'd feel like to have something like that inside of him.

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