Chapter Three

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"I can't believe you did it. I thought I had high hopes for you, but apparently they were just high enough. Loki, that was... amazing." Thor truly seemed stunned, sitting up at the bar with a drink in hand, having some alcohol with his brother, like in the good old days.

Loki simply raised his glass, as if in a toast, before taking a long swig of his mead, watching Thor over the rim of his glass. Thor, rather than nursing his drink as Loki often did, simply chugged the whole pint before asking the barmaid for another.

She was a pretty little thing, wearing tight and rather revealing clothes, with dark, wavy hair and pale, pale skin. Loki was not at all surprised to see Thor's eye trained on her.

"Anything for my king," she almost purred, placing the large stein in front of the one eyed warrior with a cheeky grin, before sliding away to tend to other customers.

"Beautiful," Thor chuckled to his brother, "I wonder if father would approve of me making a barmaid the queen of Asgard."

"Father is dead. Nonetheless, you're not making a barmaid the queen of Asgard. You haven't even had a proper conversation yet." Loki found himself almost groaning at the same old idiotic demeanour of the new king.

"Mmm... I sense a challenge," Thor almost laughed, and as the barmaid came close again, the thunderer waved her over with a grin.

Thor's method of "seduction" was always the same. Loki was bored of watching it play out. Seducing a barmaid would not be difficult for the king.

A large and gentle hand on the small of her back guided her closer as Thor made quiet conversation, learning her name and her age all while Loki rolled his eyes and gave a rather irritated sigh. Always the same. The gentle touches, quiet flirting, happy smiles and yet sultry eyes. Thor was predictable. Too predictable.

"Thor, we came here to drink and properly spend time with each other for the first time in years. Don't you think it's a bit rude, attempting to seduce a barmaid even now?" Loki scoffed, bringing his eyes up to meet the one remaining electric eye of the King of Asgard. "Quit flirting and sit."

For once, Thor did as he was told, giving a loud sigh as he lifted his pint to his lips once again, taking a drink before muttering, "Just a bit of fun."

"As always..."

Loki seemed rather distracted. By the strong and rowdy men in the corner or the beautiful and elegant ladies by the door, Thor was not sure which.

"Tell me, Brother. Have you ever lain with someone?"

Loki found himself sputtering on the mead he'd been attempting to drink, placing down his mug and taking a moment to catch his breath and fix himself before muttering, "I'm sorry, could you repeat the question?"

"Have you ever lain with someone, Loki? If so, a man, a woman..." Thor raised an eyebrow.

"What is it your business?" Loki was thrown a bit off kilter, definitely a bit confused. "Of course I've lain with someone... I will not tell you whom."

"It was a man, was it not?" Thor almost chuckled, "There is no reason to be ashamed, Loki."

"It was a man, yes. A good man."

Most of it was a lie. He'd never truly lain with someone- although he had done oral before, once, and he would prefer not to do it again unless he had to.

"I bet it was that Grandmaster man."

Loki once again almost spit his drink.

Thor laughed. "So it was him!"

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