Chapter twenty four

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Loki was their pilot. None of the others actually knew how to fly the plane, and since Valkyrie, their former pilot, was staying on the ship, Loki was trusted with the crucial duty of flying down and landing.

And of course, it didn't go well. Especially not with Thor trying to backseat drive, hovering just over his shoulder.

"Easy, we're coming in fast."

"I know that, Thor, can't you see what I'm trying to do?"

"No, I don't. I never do. You aren't predictable anymore."

Loki pulled his hands back, levelling them out once again before doing another dive, slowly but surely making their way down to the surface of the planet- and all was going well.

"You're doing it wrong." Thor hissed,

"I'm doing it right, Thor, back off," Loki growled in retaliation, turning to look at him while his hands worked on autopilot, "Unless you think you can pilot better than me, I suggest you take your seat."

"I can and will pilot better than you, just watch," Thor challenged, and in a reckless attempt to prove it, he practically started to wrestle the man for the controls.

"No, no, Thor, don't, I'm trying to-"  the balance shifted as the ship took a hard turn, diving and pulling up, Loki desperate to keep the controls while Thor was desperate to be in control.

When Thor finally managed to shove Loki out of the way, his eyes went wide and his heart was in his throat, as their ship was rapidly approaching a rather large rock face.

With a hard tug, the ship was vertical with it, the bottom of it scraping the wall, sparks flying and the whole ship screeching the entire way up, every crew member screaming.

When they reached the top, he levelled them out, though ended up plowing through tree upon tree upon tree until the ship came to a stuttering halt, having left tracks, smoking and on fire in several places.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but you should've let the homicidal maniac fly it," Banner panted, eyes as wide as dinner plates, so extremely glad he was buckled in, unlike the trickster.

Loki, after being thrown from the controls, was clinging to the back of Bruce's chair much like a spooked cat, nails digging in, looking rather terrified. "I hate you."

"I hate you too, brother."

When Thor tried to lift the ship once again, it stuttered, though slowly rose above the trees.

"Try not to fly us through the trees again, bro, that didn't work so well last time," Korg chimed in, and Miek snipped his scissors in agreement.

Thor pushed hands forward a little too fast, and the ship lurched forward, racing across the treetops at a rather excessive speed, the whole crew back to screaming as Thor almost drove them into another mountain, the reaction time of the ship delayed quite a bit thanks to the trees and the skidding up the rock face.

As if to make things worse, it was then that the Out Of Fuel light clicked on, and the ship began to sputter out, hitting the side of a mountain at full speed, enough speed to tear open the door, the wind howling and threatening to suck them out.

Loki, who had already been holding on for dear life, was now struggling to keep hold, the entire ship shaking as it rammed into thing after thing, a stray tree branch knocking Korg's chair out of the ship, a rock knocking off one of Miek's scissor hands.

The scenery changed rather unexpectedly then, from tropical mountains and forests to sandy dunes and crystal clear waters.

Thor was thrown from the controls when the ship's nose hit a sand dune, and they began to flip, Banner gripping the armrests of his chair so tight his knuckles were white as he screamed along with Miek.

Thor was knocked unconscious when he was smacked against the wall of the ship, tumbling like a rag doll as the ship turned over dune after dune.

Loki was long gone by then, having slipped off of the chair and hit a few walls before he was tossed out of the open doorway.

Thor fell out of the ship only a few flips before it came to a complete stop mere meters away from the crystal clear waters, the unconscious thunderer laying limp in the sand.

Only when they were halted did Banner and Miek stop screaming.

There was a moment of shocked silence, where the human did his best to process what has just happened, before he reached down and clicked the buckle of his seatbelt, slowly and surely getting on to his feet, knees buckling underneath him. "Thor?"

No response.

The team was completely scattered. Korg had been thrown first after a tree branch had knocked his chair out of the ship, and Loki had been tossed out second, having let go of the chair and hit a few walls before he was thrown out of the open door. Thor had been next, falling out unconscious in the sand. Miek and Banner were together in the wreck of the ship, shocked and scared, the ship broke and burning in multiple places.

"Oh, god."

They were stuck. The orgy ship was their only ship, and without it...

They were deserted on that planet, and no one would no to come rescue them, as their radio was trashed and their ship was fairly broken and without fuel.

"Thor!" Bruce shouted, stumbling out of the ship, just about falling on his ass several times. Miek scampered after him, staying close, and Banner turned to him to say, "We have to stick together. Being alone on a desert planet  is definitely not a good thing. Stay close."

Bruce was probably the only one who'd left the crash relatively unscathed, a bit bruised here and there, but overall alright. It was a miracle he hadn't been killed. It was also a miracle that the hulk hadn't returned. It had taken him far too much to become Banner again after the fight on the bridge, and being the hulk here... it would've ended badly, to say the least.

Miek had lost one of his scissor hands, so it was a good thing that he was somewhat robotic. It hadn't hurt to lose his hand, although it did suck to be scissor-hand-less.

"Thor!" Bruce shouted, shuffling through the sand while Miek did his very best to keep up. There was of course, no response to his cries.

When he slid down a fairly mountain out sand dune, he gave a shout of joy as he laid eyes on the thunderer, though his joy soon turned to concern. "Thor?"

He raced as fast as he could through the sand, Miek close behind. Thor was unmoving, though definitely alive, and Bruce was glad to see that as he rolled him on to his back, eyeing him over. The thunderer was rather beat up, though he seemed generally alright, even with blood running down his face from where he'd smacked his head and apparently cut it as well. It wasn't too bad- in fact, it looked like it had already healed up. The blood was the only sigh he'd had the injury.

"Thor?" Bruce grabbed hold of his shoulder, his clothes ripped and singed in places, and shook him, trying to wake him, "Thor, come on, we don't have time for this."

The thunderer's eye fluttered open then, though it took a long moment for him to actually regain consciousness, when he did, he was definitely still Thor. "It's not my fault, I just... wanted to try to pilot, and Loki wouldn't let me..."

Bruce gave a sigh of relief, closing his eyes and flopping back into the sand. "Thank god you're alright! I thought I'd be the only survivor, with my luck."

Thor sat up slow, the light causing his head to pound. "God... where are we? Where..." he went pale, eyes wide and frantic, "Where is Loki?"

When Bruce didn't answer immediately, the thunderer was on his feet in seconds, looking around desperately, before he spotted the trenches in the sand the ship had made and began to race towards them, sprinting at full speed.

"That's towards the ship! You're going the wrong way!"

Bruce was on his feet again in an instant, and although he was scared and shaky, he raced after Thor as fast as he could as he begun to run the other way, towards the forest, towards the mountains and the tracks they'd made. Towards, hopefully, Korg and Loki.

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