Chapter Two

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Together We Will Set The World On Fire

Sorry for any spelling/grammar issues!


After soundcheck, I headed back to the bus to prepare myself to go on stage. The guys all trailed behind, knowing it was time for them to get their warpaint on. I was ten feet away from the bus when CC came running up behind me and scooped me up, running ahead, but falling when Ashley stuck his foot out to trip him. CC toppled to the ground on top of me. He helped me up, both of us glaring at Ashley.

Before I knew it, it was time to take the stage. Performing is the best part of touring, obviously. Living with 5 guys could take its toll on you. 

I stood hand in hand backstage with Jinxx. This seemed to have become somewhat of a ritual between the two of us. Jinxx has a very calming presence when he wants to, so he could always help my preshow nerves go away.

I could hear the crowd screaming "BLACK VEIL BRIDES! BLACK VEIL BRIDES! BLACK VEIL BRIDES!" We were given the cue that we could go on, and we all sprinted to our places. Andy screamed a few words to the crowd before we opened with Set The World On Fire. Usually we'd open with Fallen Angels or Knives and Pens, but Andy wanted to change it up a little.

I stopped thinking and just let the music wash over me. The crowd singing along to every word fueled my adrenaline and I let instinct take over. It was coming to the part in Rebel Love Song where Andy backed off and danced around a bit, giving me a solo. I belted out the words, feeling the emotion of the concert sweep through everyone.

Andy's POV

It was Jenna's solo, and boy was she killing it. She always does amazing, but tonight she seemed particularily on her game. I stood by CC's drums, then moved across the stage. I stopped a ways behind Jen and put my arms up in the air, holding my head back. To the crowd it probably appeared that I was in awe of the beauty of the music, and to a certain degree I was, but really I was watching Ashley. Watching Ashley watching Jenna. His fingers barely moved as he stared at her. He didn't even appear to be breathing. Seeing her from his angle, I could tell what took his breath away. Her black hair with bright green streaks shone under the lights, and it appeared as though a halo of light surrounded her from it reflecting off of her hair. As she turned slightly to the side, you could see the happiness on her face as she sang. The crowd was hanging off of her every word, and she looked simply magnificent. 

I looked back at Ashley and after a moment he glanced at me, giving me a strange look, then turning his attention back to playing. Huh. Weird.

We finished the show sweaty and thrilled, as every show seemed to leave us. There was no meet and greet or anything after this show, so we all headed back to the bus. Ashley was acting like a prick to Jen just as he did before, as though seeing her on stage didn't affect him in any way. Even weirder.

Jenna's POV

The show was perfect. Again. I don't if I'll ever be able to get used to the love and support of the crowd every night. It just blows my mind every single time I get up on stage with the guys. The vibe up there is just incredible. 

We all grabbed a beer and sat down on the couches on the bus. The driver had already pulled away, beginning to take us to our next destination on the tour. Andy instantly started talking about Batman, suprise suprise. We all got into it, half out of actually caring about Batman, half wanting to keep him happy. Ashley even looked me in the eye when I spoke tonight. Now that's a first. Maybe he'll finally start showing me some respect.

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