Chapter Eighteen

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Together We Will Set The World On Fire

Sorry for any spelling/grammar issues!


Jenna's POV

Excitement bubbled within me the instant the Andy started driving. As I told him where to go, I started bouncing up and down in my seat. I felt all the stress and anger of the encounter with my parents melting away as I thought of my best friend. Ellie- petite, beautiful, hyper, sarcastic, successful, loyal, trustworthy- my best friend is all that and more. 

Everyone started laughing at me when I squealed as her parent's house came into view. She was home visiting her parents for a few days during her reading week at university. She went to school in Nova Scotia and was becoming a doctor. I'm so proud of her, she's doing exactly what she dreamed of when we were kids. 

I stood up and started jumping. I was going to see my best friend after more than a year! Because I'd been touring and she'd been at school, our schedules never matched, so we didn't get to see each other near as often as we'd originall thought when I left the country. Time differences were a big issue for skype dates too.

Andy pulled into the driveway and I was off the bus before it had even stopped. I couldn't wipe the ridiculous grin off of my face as I rang the bell. Ellie answered it almsot instantly, knowing that I would be coming by sometime today.

"ELLIE!" I screamed.

"JENNA!" she screamed at the same time.

We threw ourselves at each other and hugged, tears flowing from both of us. It hit me just how much I missed her. Her hugs, her stupid jokes, her attitude, and all our memories.

"Holy shit I've missed you baby girl" I told her.

She nodded in agreement. "Likewise my dear. It certainly isn't the same in this town without you here. Thankfully we'll both be out of it very, very soon."

Ellie felt the same as me. Our town sucked, and we hated being there. Since I turned 18 before her, I graduated high school and left the country two days later. That August she turned 18, and I flew back for her birthday. We got matching tattoos on our right shoulder, a flaming sun with streaks of color that had a flowery skull in the center. We also got a tramp stamp each and our tongues pierced. Mine said Awake and Unafraid in big letters, and underneath in small letters Asleep or Dead, and hers said Welcome To Hell- I know, classy doctor she is, eh?

Ashley's POV

The guys and I stood a ways back, giving Jenna and her best friend some space. I couldn't stop smiling as I saw just how happy they were to see each other. The day's earlier events seemed to vanish from her mind, of which I was glad. I hated seeing my girl hurting.

After a moment, two kids came running out of the house and hurled themselves at Jen, shouting


An even bigger grin than way she hugged her best friend filled her face as she scooped one up in each arm. The little girl had to be about 6 and the boy about 3. 

"My God!" she squealed. "Look at how big you two have gotten!"

Both kids grinned proudly at her.

"Guess what?!" the little boy shrieked.

"What?" Jen asked animatedly.

"I can ride my bike with no training wheels now!" he cried happily. She put the girl down and hugged the boy, spinning him around.

"Spin! Spin!" the little girl called to her.

She put the boy down and grabbed the girls hands, spinning her around until her feet lifted off the ground, making the girl giggle happily.

The entire scene made my heart melt. Jenna made these kids so happy, and it came so effortlessly in doing so. I realized that these could be our kids one day. This could be a scene at our house. Me standing back, the proud father, surveying the beautiful mother playing with the adorable children. The idea would have blown my mind before I met Jenna, but now it seemed to be the only scenario I wanted out of life. 

Then I realized something else. Even if she ever did want children with me, even if she did want to spend the rest of her life with me- both of which I didn't know, although something in my heart suggested that she did- I hadn't given her the slightest indication that I could see this in our future. I hadn't proposed yet.


so this chapter is dedicated to my incredible bestfriend evonne (sparrowchick) check out her books!  once again i wanted to make this slightly accurate to real life, so i included her in it, along with our plans. and although we dont have matching tattoos yet, we will ;3

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