Chapter Four

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Together We Will Set The World On Fire

Sorry for any spelling/grammar issues!


Jenna's POV

Last night had been a fucking crazy drinking night at the bar. I don't remeber anything after like 10 o'clock. I'm not even sure how we got back to the bus, to be honest. At least we have a show tonight, so nobody will go too crazy. 

It's mid afternoon now and everyone has gone out for coffee, according to the note on the counter. They said they'd bring me my coffee- that's why I love them.

I grabbed my makeup bag and clothes and headed for the bathroom, deciding to ge tready while they were away. When I opened the door I saw Ashley on the floor with his head against the wall, clutching his stomach. Sweat was pouring off of him and he was extremely pale. His eyes snapped open and he looked up at me. For the first time in a long time, his eyes weren't full of hatred.

"Oh thank God," he whispered. "I thought I was going to die here."

My heart lurched with emotion. I pushed my feelings for him away and darted to his side. I gently wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close, so that he was leaning on me and not the wall. I'd like to think that I'm a tad more comfortable than a wall.

"Stop. I smell disgusting." He croaked.

"I don't give a shit how you smell, Ashley." I scolded.

He half smiled, then quickly threw himself at the toilet as he began throwing up again. I rubbed his back as his stomach emptied its contents. After a moment he leaned back on me again, shaking a little and breathing heavily.

I let him rest for a minute, then managed to get him sitting on the edge of the bathtub. I grabbed his toothbrush from the cabinet and helped him brush his teeth, knowing how disgusting throwing up makes you feel. He needed to rest again after I finished, looking a little light headed. As the sensation appeared to pass, I got a damp cloth and wiped around his mouth, and the pulled his up. I wrapped an arm around his back and one across his stomach, somehow managing to get him to the spare bunk, since his he'd have to climb up the latter to get to. I grabbed some extra blankets and placed them at the end of his bed incase he got cold. Then I got him a glass of water, placing it on beside him. HIs eyes were closing, but as I turned to go he grabbed my hand. 

"Thank you." He whispered.

"Anytime." I whispered back, gently squeezing his hand. Almost on impulse before I walked away, I kissed his cheek. I kept my head down because I knew I'd be blushing like crazy and went to go get that shower.

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