Chapter One

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Together We Will Set The World On Fire

Sorry for any spelling/grammar issues!


I had been touring with Black Veil Brides for five months now. It all started when Ronnie Radke- the Ronnie Radke- walked into my band's dressing room while I was warming up my vocals to The Drug In Me Is You on Warped tour last year. He looked appalled and went on to tell me that he thought I might even sing his song better than him. Of course I was totally starstruck and couldn't do much more than blush. We got to talking and he had me sing him some more songs, songs of all different genres.  For the rest of Warped he figuratively took me under his wing and instructed me, improving my vocals and making me a better performer. During that time him and I became really close. He was my best friend for the duration of the tour, and I was lucky enough to get close to the rest of Falling In Reverse as well. 

Come the end of Warped tour, stuff started happening in my bandmates personal lives. Our bassist  got pregnant and, abviously, wanted to stop playing for the duration of the pregnancy to prepare and spend time with her husband. Our drummer got engaged and had so much on her plate with wedding prep that the band was weighing her down. Our guitarists each were in new relationships that they were both hoping would work out and thought that taking a break for a bit would be a good idea. With our bandm we did everything together. No substitutions. We all agreed that we would drop the band for a year, and then take it from there. Tame The Elephant With Teardrops were on a year long hiatus. This left me aching to perform, but no band behind me. 

Right about now was when I got a call from Ronnie for an end-of-tour barbeque, which I glady agreed to go to. It was here that Ronnie had me talk to Black Veil Brides. I quickly learned that they were interested in adding a female voice to go along nicely with Andy's voice for their third album. They had me sing for them right there at the barbeque. I can recall the feeling in my heart when I sang and saw their expressions. The joy I experienced when they told me that I was in. They were especially thrileld with the fact that my band was currently on hiatus and would be able to go on tour with them.

I hit it off with the guys right away. They instantly became like brothers- except Ashley. He hates me. My mind brought me back to a night clubbing with everyone early on, at the beginning of the tour. All the guys were dancing very close to me in my tiny black dress, especially Ashley. I didn't mind when his hands found their way to my hips as we danced, but when he started grabbing my breasts, I knew he was taking it too far. I turned to face him, saying "Hands off, Mr. Purdy". He had looked somewhat hurt by the statement and flounced over to the bar, drinking by himself for the duration of the night. The guys had all rolled their eyes and commented about how Ashley's pissed that I wasn't starstruck enough to let him in my pants. From that day on, he wouldn't speak to me, let alone look at me.

The memory alone made me angry. What right did that asshole have to hate me just because I wasn't one of the easy sluts he usually fucks?!

Andy's voice broke through my thoughts.

"JENNNNAAAAA!" he called.

I groaned. "Whaaaat?"

It was far too early, although I think it was about 2 in the afternoon.

"Time for soundcheck!"

I sighed. "Coming!" I called back.

I rolled out of my bunk and quickly slipped into black skinny jeans with rips and an Asking Alexandria tank top. I ran a brush through my hair, tied it in a bun, brushed my teeth and grabbed my converse. I walked off the bus with the guys, earning good morning smiles from each of the guys- except Ashley, of course. I didn't get so much as a sideways glance.

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