Chapter Twenty One

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Together We Will Set The World On Fire

Sorry for any spelling/grammar issues!


Jenna's POV

We all spent the day at the beach, playing in the water and tanning. We ate lunch and dinner on the beach, and stayed out until it was really dark. Ash held my hand all the way back to the room, whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

He led me to the bed, laying down beside me and wrapping his arms around me. His lips met mine and the kiss deepened until he was over top of me. His lips trailed down my neck to my stomach, his tongue flicking my belly button piercing. I giggled, and he pulled himself back to my lips. Eventually he gave in to the lust that was surfacing in the room, and our clothes came off.


I woke the next morning snuggled in Ashley's arms. I couldn't help but grin at the thought of last night. It was everything that I had imagined and more. In the logn run, I'm really glad that we waited as long as we did, because I think that it's helped us to have a stronger relationship.

"Morning beautiful" Ashley said, breaking my train of thought. I smiled.

"Morning handsome." He kissed my forehead.

We got up and went to go shower, already getting pumped for the show tonight.

[Three Weeks Later]

Ashley's POV

As we pulled up to Andy's house in LA, I was beginning to shake with nerves. I already knew that Juliet had signed off for the ring, hiding it so that Jenna wouldn't get it, but I was beginning to worry about asking her. What if she doesn't like the ring? What if I screw it up? What if she doesn't say yes? What if she leaves me?!

"It's gonna be perfect man, you love her and she loves you. Relax." CC said quietly as he walked past. I nodded at him, but truth be told I was still terrified.

I walked inside, heading to the kitchen where everyone would be. Sammi and Ella were both here to see their men- and seeing them they were, locked in passionate kisses. Juliet was wrapped in Andy's arms, but she turned he head towards me and mouthed upstairs, bedroom, purse. I nodded gratefully and darted upstairs to get the ring.

I frantically opened the small velvet box, sighing when I saw it. It really was perfect. A silver band with tiny diamonds that sparkled in a line. It was just so Jenna. I slipped the box in my pocket and headed back downstairs.

We all hung out on the back deck for most of the afternoon. We ordered pizza, and the dinner was buzzing with chatter. Everyone was catching up with one another. Jenna was laughing along with Ella, Sammi and Juliet. I forgot how well they all got on. Juliet kept throwing pointed glances at me, clearly wanting to know when I was going to do it. The guys were doing it as well, but JUliet was the worst for it. Sammi and Ella didn't know yet.

Everyone was going to go inside for a movie, and since the sun was beginning to set, I thought that this would be the best time. I took a deep breath. It's now or never.

"Wanna go for a walk honey?" I asked her. She nodded happily.

I took her hand in mine, leading her down to the water. We walked along in bare feet as the water gently rushed over our toes. The thought crossed my mind that this might be the last time I ever get to hold her hand in mine if she says no. I pushed the thought away, knowing I had to stop thinking like that.

"You've been pretty quiet all day" Jenna commented.

I stopped, taking both of her hands in mine and looking in her eyes. "Because I've had you on my mind." I told her honestly. She giggled and blushed. God it was adorable when she did that! I took another deep breath.

"Jenna Knight, I love you more than anything in the world, more than life itself. Seeing you in your home town, seeing you with kids, seeing you smile, being with you, it's made my love for you grow stronger with each passing day. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want us to grow old and gray together, still hopelessly in love. We leave for Australia to get your stuff next week, and I can't go with having you tied to me, in some way. I need you in my life." I got down on one knee and pulled out the ring. "Jenna, will you marry me?"

My heart pounded as I watched her beautiful face. Tears filled her eyes and she was nodding her head in a 'yes' gesture over over. 

"YES!" she screamed. "Yes I'll marry you!"

I  couldn't help the tears that filled my eyes as I put the ring on her finger. My girl, my Jenna, is now my FIANCE. Life couldn't get any better.

She threw herself into my open arms and I spun her around. I had never felt so happy in my entire life. 

"I love you so much!" she shouted between happy sobs.

"And I love you. Forever my darling."

I cupped her face and smashed my lips against hers, not being able to control myself any longer. It was like fire coursing through my veins, and I know that she felt it too.


Jenna's POV

We've returned from Australia, my fiance and I. Even though the word was only said in my head, it still made me grin like crazy. I'm marrying the love of my life. We haven't even begun to talk about the wedding, but none of that matters, because we are together. And together we will tell the fans on stage, at the final show of the tour. 

There was magic in the air, and everyone could feel it. Life was perfect. We were all running around like crazy people, getting pumped to open with Set The World On Fire, like we always do. Before Ashley and I would walk on stage first together, he took my hand, my wonderfully ringed hand, and whispered in my ear "Together we will set the world on fire."


wahhhhhhhhhhh! It's ovvveeeeerrrr! my baby<3 asdfghjkl happy tears :')

so i have some questions! loved it/hated it/liked it? sequel/no sequel?

thank you guys so so so much, i love you to the end of the universe and back. thank you ren and evonne especially :')



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