Chapter Twenty

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Together We Will Set The World On Fire

Sorry for any spelling/grammar issues!


Ashley's POV

The tour was passing so quickly, and already we were back in Florida, making our way back to LA. Once we hit LA, we were finished. It was really quite bittersweet. In one sense, I was excited for it to be over so that we could work on the next album, so we could go on tour again. The next album is where we really want Jenna's vocals, to really be dramatic against Andy's. Having her on this tour was the perfect blessing, seeing as we orignally planned her being on it just to get used to the crowds and us, and so that the fans could get used to her as well. In another sense though, I didn't want it to ever end. Jenna and I have something amazing going on between us, and I don't want the end of tour to shatter that. I didn't think that it would, but even the idea was scary.

Then I realized something. I had sold my house in LA because we'd been on tour so long, there was no point in me having it. I didn't even have a place to live.

"Come to Australia with me for a visit then baby" Jenna said.

Shit, I didn't realize I'd thought that part out loud. I thought about it for a second.

"You'd want me to come out with you?" I asked.

"Of course! It wouldn't be for long anyways. Just for a week or two, so I could pack up my stuff."

"Pack up your stuff?" I felt my heart sink. I should've known she'd be traveling to some other part of the world when the tour was over.

"To move to LA! Don't look so freaked out!" she said laughing.

"You're gonna move to LA?!" I asked excitedly.

"Yes!" she cried, throwing her arms around my neck. "You're not going to get rid of me that easily" she said into my neck. 

I pushed her back a bit and looked her right in the eyes. 

"Jenna, I wouldn't want to get rid of you, ever. I was internally freaking out, thinking we'd not be the same after the tour ended. I love you. So, so much."

"I love you more than anything Ash" she said, then kissed me softly. As the kissed deepened, I had to ask what was on my mind.

"You'll move in with me, right?" I was a little shocked at how small my voice sounded. She smiled widely.

"I was really hoping you'd ask that. I don't know shit about LA." I laughed and kissed her again, my heart like fireworks. 

Jenna's POV

You're moving in with the love of your motherfucking life! My head kept screaming at me. I couldn't help but smile through our kiss. I could feel Ash smiling too. He made me feel complete, and extremely happy. An emotion that I lacked for a lot of years.

It was right about then that I realized we were spending our day off today in Florida and staying the night in a hotel, playing a show tomorrow night. A hotel. I knew what that meant. My cheeks heated up and I kissed Ashley harder. He gently pushed me back on the couch so that I was laying on my back with my legs across his lap, him leaning over me. He had one arm on either side of my head, our tongues entangled in a loving dance, when Jinxx walked out the bunk area.

"WHOOAHOOAHOAAHHH!" he half cheered, half shocked yelled. 

I turned my head a little so that I could look at him, not once breaking the kiss. CC entered a minute later.

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