◐ EXTRA #3 ◑

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here is another bonus chapter to hide the fact that i havent finished this book yet hehe

now this happened during Jooxhan and Minhee's childhood so there's no need to reread a chapter before reading this rEEEE


"Minhee, come here," my dad motioned for me to sit on his lap, my mom sitting beside him. As a kid who was so enthusiastic and energetic, I ran to my parents, the biggest of smiles appearing on my face.

My mom sat perfectly, her back was straight, her hands were interlocked together and were positioned in the middle of her lap, her feet crossed together to the side, her hair was made into a neat bun, and she wore the most beautiful smile. She was the definition of lady-like and grace, and honestly, I didn't want to be like her as I thought it was too suffocating and unlikely for a free-spirited character like me. "We've got something to tell you."

"What is it, mommy?"

My dad was the ideal dad, just like how mom was the ideal mom. He sat with confidence and dignity, legs slightly apart, his hair fixed into place and wore a business outfit just like usual. His smile was pretty, still, but I found it stiff and fake-looking, as if it was forced. It didn't look natural at all. Although he was good at it, like he mastered that smile for a long time already. "Your mom and I are going on a business trip."

"Can I come?"

"No, sweetheart," mom sweetly said. She patted my hair to comfort me when she saw my pouting face. "Don't worry, we'll bring a present when we come back."

"We'll be gone for 3 weeks. You're a big girl now, you can handle, right, sweetheart?"

I nodded.

My dad ruffled my hair after that and kissed my forehead. "We'll miss you."

I hugged my dad, leaning onto him. "I'll miss you too."

"You won't feel alone, I'll have one of our nannies to attend to you okay?" Mom then joined the group hug.

I felt the happiest at that time; that moment was when I felt I was really in a family. I felt loved, cared, and not neglected. I felt important, and most of all I felt happy.

It probably only lasted for seconds, as I know my parents weren't that in favor of showing affection to me and to each other, but that hug meant the whole world to me.

After that I immediately ran outside, going to our next-door neighbor, the neighbor I was the closest with. With them, I actually felt I was a part in their family. I didn't even knock on the door, I just opened the door and directly went to Joochan's room.

His head perked up at the sound of his door abruptly opening, he looked a bit scared but his face softened as he recognized my face.

"Minmin, why are yo---"

Without a second thought I lunged for him, attacking him in a tight embrace. When I felt him return the hug, it didn't take seconds for my tears to fall.

I didn't know what he thought when I suddenly did that, but I was thankful that he didn't question it. I cried on his shoulder, hugging him tighter. Him patting and rubbing my back and hair comforted me, at the same time made me bawl harder.

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