◐ thirty ◑

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"I know. Thank you."

At the time when his tears subside, it suddenly dawns on me that I'm hugging Joochan. I'm hugging someone I like.

Blood rises up to my cheeks, completely flustered. "You done having your moment?" I whisper, in hopes of him realizing how intimate we are in the moment.

He wipes the remaining tear stains resting on his cheek and leans away. "Yeah. Thanks for the hug."

No, thank you for the hug, I reply in my head.

"No biggie." I look at my surroundings frantically. I didn't want him to see me so flustered about a mere hug.

"Hey, Minhee?" Joochan calls, his lips curving into a subtle smirk. "Why are you all red?"

"I'm not."

"You are!" He chuckles. He gasps exaggeratedly, "You weren't thinking of anything inappropriate, aren't you?"

"Inappropriate?" I repeat. "The only thing inappropriate here is us having physical contact when I clearly am sick. You don't like me passing my germs to you, do you?"

"Meh. I have a strong immune system. Come at me, germs," Joochan grins, and I melt internally.

"Are you implying you'd like to go for another hug?" I suggest, looking at him in the eye.

He blinks. Then his mouth closes and open like a fish. He keeps quiet for seconds.

"Y-yeah, wait no-well, I-" he pauses, "...why not?"

I smile. "Aww, he got all jumpy over a hug."

"Look who's talking."

We both laugh at our silliness. Even if my body's feeling like shit, I feel like I could explode due to how happy I am at the moment. Joochan and I are talking casually, kinda intimate, sitting beside together on his bed.

I wish this day won't end.

"You're not going to take advantage of me, aren't you?" I joke.

"You initiated the hug! For all I know you're the one with bad intentions." He scoffs. "You like me, remember?"

I pick the nearest pillow on the bed and throw it to his face. "Oh, yeah sure, as if I'm capable of harrassing someone."

"You're very good at it with words, though."

I roll my eyes. "I'm the best at it." I look at the hands of the clock situated on his wall and release a sigh. "You know what? I'm going to sleep. Good night." I lie down and cover myself with the blanket on the bed.

"Sure, sleep well, Minhee." He stands up on the bed and goes to the door but he stops in his tracks. "Wait," he pauses, "that's my bed!"

I explode in laughter. "Oh, right! Well I'll be borrowing your bed for the night. Okay?"

"I'd only allow it because you're sick-even if you're acting fine now. Go to sleep." Joochan's hand hovers over the light switch. "I'll sleep on one of the guest rooms since this is clearly not my house."

"Clearly." I repeat, smiling.

"Just scream and cry like a baby if you need anything," Joochan remarks. "Well then, I'll be at the living room and watch something on Netflix. You go and rest. Good night."

"Good night."

The lights turn off. My eyelids get heavy and in a heartbeat, I fall asleep with a subtle smile resting on my lips.

"Good morning."

Two sunshines greet me as I exit Joochan's bedroom, the first one being the actual sun's light, and two, my reflection on the mirror located near his room.

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