Dream to Love.

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Just another oneshot. I will try to work on NagaMickeyOswald tommorow! But for now enjoy this : 3 MickeyxFemOswald. After saving a nightingale, Otae has an  unusual dream about a handsome man who's completely enamored with her. Wonder what the connection is...?

Dreams are bittersweet. In dreams, we can do nearly anything. We can travel into space, fight monsters, fall in love, and get married. All that could happen in one dream, and then it's gone. Such as the nature of dreams, Otae could not fathom how she got to this pond nor did she care. She leaned on her hands, closing her eyes and taking in the simplicity of nature. It was such a peaceful place that she felt it was a shame to have it all to herself. Maybe her friends Miniiko and Kurocha would appreciate it, as they had both worked very hard during Otae's absence. Empress Miniiko would really liked coming here to get away from her royal duties just for a moment. Finally Otae thought of her little songbird, that she'd affectionately begun to call a new friend.

The nightingale hadn't shown off any major characteristics that hinted towards male or female save for its amazing singing voice and constant affection towards her, and so Otae had decided that such characteristics must belong to a male. Even though the friendship was still in development, she'd come to love the bird as if she'd known him for ages. So she didn't doubt that her little songbird would like to be here, maybe sitting on her left shoulder as it'd begun to do in its new life in the palace. But just as the rabbit begun to think about her songbird, she heard a rustle in the tall grass behind her. She glanced back, curious on who was about to join her. But it was no-one that she knew.

Instead what walked out into her line of sight, was a man far more handsome than any she'd ever seen in the empire. His brown and gold silk robes flowed all around him as if they were floating on air, making him all the more mysterious. A hazel colored robe circled around his waist, covering his white as snow hakama pants. He was a mouse, and Otae was stunned that anyone could look this amazingly attractive. Honestly, even the other men couldn't come close to his level. His eyes were open, making Otae notice the lovely chestnut brown irises that shined like gold if in the right light. His cheeks were painted in cherry soft hues, but it was still easy to make out that he was blushing.

In his hands, he was holding a large gathering of flowers of different colors and sizes. Otae was sure there were flowers there she'd never seen before. They were tied up in a hazel bow, and when the guy came closer and presented her the flowers, she seemed to realize she'd been staring with her mouth agape ever since he walked out. She quickly snapped of it, her cheeks dark with embarrassment. "Oh, uh. U-um." Words failed her for a second. Weird. She talked to plenty of men before,  so why was this any different? "H--h-hello." She managed to stutter out in a shy tone, as she tried again with a little more confidence. "Hello."

The boy smiled at her, and Otae saw something in his eyes that confused her greatly. She didn't know what it was, but then no one had ever looked at her with complete and utter adoration before, which was she was unable to recognize it. Nor would she have guessed it, since she hadn't done anything to earn any man's adoration, much less a stranger's. "M-My name's Otae. It's nice to meet you, mister...?"

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