FemOswaldxOniMickey-What if they mated?

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This was inspired by something I read on Hentaib's pixiv. It's basically a what if they mated it kind of thing one-shot featuring Otae(female Oswald) and Mikii (Oni Mickey). (I seriously wonder if I should actually make this into a au series instead of making one-shots with these two.) Anyway enjoy the story. youtube-fnaf darkness-within99

It had been centuries since Mikii had been was legally made into a god, but there were old habits an old oni couldn't break- such humming one his favorite melodies as he strolled down the street carrying his offerings, over his shoulders as if they were freshly stolen treasures. He was in a great mood, and could anyone blame him? He completed all godly duties early, which meant he could go home and see his family. The more he thought about it the more excited he became, and soon his evening stroll turned into a marathon.

By the time he reached home sweet home, he was fit to burst as he shoved the paper door open. "Otou-san! Papa's home!" Within seconds, he was rewarded with the delighted squeals of his daughters, who dropped their toys and ran to their father with outstretched arms. "Papa's home!" they repeated in unison. Miikii dropped his bag and scooped the girls up his arms, covering them in smooches. " Aww, my precious little girls, how is sweet widdle Yuri-chan? How's my dear Mikka-chan? Papa's missed you so much."

Mikka the bolder of the twins tugged on Miikii's arm. "Did you bring back any souvenirs Papa?" Yuri the shyer of the twins tried to hold onto Miikii's hand "W-we've been e-extra good."

"Well then!" Mikii set them both down. "Extra good girls deserve extra good presents!" He dug around in his bag, first pulling a bright Japanese doll. " For my sweet widdle Yuri-chan," he held the toy, and Yuri hugged it tenderly. A second dig produced a new shiny ball "And for my bold widdle Mikka!" and Mikka laughed wildly as she tossed it up in the air. "Thank you Papa!" The girls said together. Miikii was overwhelmed by the sheer cuteness and reached out to them again. "Awwww my precious little peach blossom—-"

Thwack! He held his head as a clog rested between his black ears. He didn't have to look up to know who assaulted him "Hehe I'm home, my sweet Otae-chan." Said Goddess tapped her foot, glaring down at her husband as the girls giggled at the usual nonsense between them. "Miikii what did tell you about spoiling them? She growled lifting her clog back up, one hand resting on her belly, where a third 'precious peach blossom' was soon to come. "But they've been good girls!" Miikii whined sounding more infantile than his own children. "Mikka's been starting fights with the woodland creatures, and Yuri drew on Amaterasu's heavenly white robes again." Otae said and she crossed her arms as she spotted her daughters fleeing the scene. "And when I punish them, it doesn't stick, because 'Papa' keeps bailing them out. Not to mention that we have hundreds of souvenirs already! What do you have say about their behavior Miikii?"

Miikii knew it wasn't the correct answer, but he couldn't help himself. "That they take after their old papa?"

Well least this time he managed to dodge Otae's lightning strikes for the first couple of minutes.

Sorry if it's short. But I hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned for more :3

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