Mickey's Minor Flaw (Mickwald)

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A SizeshifterMickeyxFemBoyOswald inspired a little from reading/watching Alice in Wonderland/Kaiju Girl Caramelized lol. Mickey was born with a rather peculiar curse. Specifically, whenever he feels lovesick, he grows in height. It's been a closely-guarded secret since he was just a child, but it's never been a problem for many years....so there should be no issue right...? That is until one special little rabbit came into his life. Hope you guys enjoy darkness-within99 youtube-fnaf

Mickey Mouse never knew what to call this unusual phenomenon. When he was young, the adults called it a curse. His parents told him not to listen to them. Sure this strange phenomenon was an inconvenience, but it was never in any shape or form... tiring...

....at least for now.

The other children-behind his back, of course, since everyone knew it to be unwise to insult the heir of the famous Walt Disney--had whispered that Mickey and the strange phenomenon alike were both freaks of nature. When he'd been a teenager, he himself called it an 'utter nightmare' or ' the thing', and those names stuck for many years until young adulthood.

And then he met Oswald.

Granted, the utter nightmare hadn't reared its ugly head for a long while when it came to Oswald. Being at war with the Mad Doctor, and making minors changes to Disneyland and Wasteland had been good enough excuses for the strange phenomenon to stay way.

And then Oswald the Lucky Rabbit had the gall to be well..

Be cute-er be attractive. And smart. And funny.

And share almost all of Mickey's interests. The fights with the Mad Doctor were no longer an excuse, considering the fact it had been initiated by the Mad Doctor stealing his heart with a rather albeit poorly designed contraption and ended with Oswald helping him get it back.

His own problems with the fact that he saw his brother as more than just a sibling had become slightly apparent. And then, of course, the strange phenomenon took that as an invitation to make a fully unwarranted return.

'Okay Mickey, think about something else-eep!' Mickey, in a panic, darts around the corner of Liberty Square, a good few inches taller than before. "Mickey?" a familiar voice calls out, quickening the mouse's pulse. "Huh, I could've sworn I saw him a minute ago."

'Let's see um, cheese paninis, patching up the damages in Gremlin town. Uh rehearsing my lines for this week's upcoming show....' An unvoluntary scowl crosses his face but quickly turns into a grin as he shrinks back down to his usual height. Mickey slumps against the wall, breathing a sigh of relief. "Ah, there you are Mic-" And, with a sudden jolt, Mickey shot up in height, now a full foot taller than before. His head whips to the side, as his horrified gaze settled on a very startled and slightly confused Oswald. For a moment, both mouse and rabbit stare at each other in dead silence. As Mickey is about to stutter out some kind explanation, Oswald gives the taller mouse a small understanding smile, though his eyes are still filled to the brim with curiosity. "I assume this is why you've been avoiding me lately Mickey?"

Mickey swallows thickly, his mouth dry. "----I well, ha, hah, Yeah." Oswald nods, accepting the answer before stepping closer and whistling, raising an eyebrow. "What kind of magic did this?" Mickey hisses between his teeth before awkwardly looking to the side, unable to meet Oswald's questioning blue eyes, those beautiful sky-blue eyes that can easily melt him into a puddle.

Mickey lets out a startled squeak as he shoots up another foot. He quickly claps his hands over his face and groans in embarrassment, his cheeks warming. "Oh geeez~~~!" He mutters under his breath, his shoulders hunching up defensively. Oswald steps back in surprise, only able to utter a slight 'oh' as he tilts his head to look up at his taller younger brother. "Golly...what happened to you?" Mickey grabbing his tail for moral support lets out a quiet groan "It-It just happens sometimes." Oswald's brows dart up immediately. "W-Wait this just ....happens..?"

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