The Oblivious Vampire Couple

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An day another Mickwald fanfic. Oswald is a female in this one. Just another funny oneshot between vampire master and his servant. Hope you enjoy youtube-fnaf chibibon darkness-within99

In a very large forest atop a hill sat a humongous mansion. A modest village thrived nearby, only a carriage ride away, but almost everybody was completely terrified of the mansion. Anyone who wasn't terrified simply wasn't old enough to be warned to stay away from that place, for it was dangerous, most elders said. That was the home of a supposedly vicious, blood-sucking, wicked vampire, and the only reason the entire village didn't pack up their bags and flee was that they feared it would be a pure insult to the vampire. After all, it was his domain, and surely if he was angered they would all suffer. So they kept their heads low, going about their business, muttering in low whispers about their awful tyranny, which, in all frank honesty, were just rumors. If they had actually used their wits instead of their fear, they would have understood that no one had ever actually been attacked by the vampire – much less had even seen him.

In fact, the inhabitants of the mansion were some of the happiest folks in the entire land. Today was a particularly happy day, and there were excited footsteps making their way to one of the many guest bedrooms. These were three of the maids who lived in the mansion, triplets who were not terribly bright but lovely and kind all the same. Maid No. 1 Selena, the blonde, was the oldest; Maid No. 2 Juno, the brunette, was the middle child. and Maid No. 3 Margaret, the red-head, was the youngest. They had the same exact hairstyle covering their eyes and were so thoroughly alike that one couldn't be blamed for thinking they shared one brain. They were extra cheerful today, and Selena knocked on the door two times, called forth, "It's morning, Olivia!" before knocking again.

Inside this room was the fourth and final maid, who had only recently started working at the mansion one month ago. She was the smallest of them, her black rabbit ears just barely reaching their hips, and even the bed she was sleeping in was gigantic compared to her. Though she was usually sweet and gentle, mornings brought out the grump in her. She despises the mornings – to be frank, she didn't like the sleep schedule she had forced upon herself. But if she was to blend in with the crowd, she had to sleep during the night and work during the day, even if her body was used to years of doing it the other way around. As she heard the last knock, she sighed and began to shove the heavy blankets off. "Okay, Okay! I'm up, I'm up." She called back, rubbing the last bits of sleep out of her eyes.

Thankfully, Olivia's grumpiness never lasted long, once she remembered her purpose of being here. She adored the mansion and all its big, colorful rooms and long history. It was an honor, she considered, to help clean the place up and keep it alive. She adored the cute uniform she got to wear with its frills and ribbons, having rarely worn such pretty things in all her years. She adored the other maids, who were always glad to help her reach the high spots and chat merrily about this and that during tea time. But the one thing she adored most of all was -

"It's breakfast time!" Selena suddenly announced, throwing the door open. While all the doors in the mansion could lock, none who lived there actually locked them, as they all trusted each other openly. "But we're much too busy this morning," Juno chimed at her sister's side, hiding something behind her back. "So, we think, you should give the Master his breakfast!" Margaret finished, holding out a tray with silverware, a rose in a cup, and the meal itself hidden under a silver dome.

Olivia stopped tying the white ribbon around her left ear, surprised. Usually, the Master ate with everyone at the breakfast table, as a way to make sure his servants were all right and to catch up with everything. Once in a while, he did eat alone, when he was up to his own big black ears in paperwork; he'd even apologize for it, the dear sweetheart. Olivia found the tray shoved into her tiny hands, and she made an "Ah!" sound before actual words. " you sure? Just me?"

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