// Wanted: Prom Date // Scott X Reader

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"Scott, this is a terrible and embarrassing idea and you know it" you overheard Liam say nearby while you were on your way to class.

"Nonsense! Damien suggested the idea and he says it works like a charm!" You decided to go to the two monsters and see whatever "Damien's great idea" was.

As you finally came near the two, you saw Scott holding a sign that says "Wanted: Prom Date". You were honestly more suprised that he spelled that right rather than him falling for Damien's trap.

Just like what Liam said, this was pretty embarrassing but pretty bold, charming and cute at the same time.

"Hey guys, what's up?" You said as you approached the boys. "Well Scott here listened to Lucifer's idea, making himself look like a complete idiot... Like always" Liam snarled. "I don't think it's that much of a bad idea. Don't be to harsh on him, I think what he's doing is pretty cute" You smiled at the werejock's direction and he did the same.

"See! They thinks it's cute" w-wait that's not exactly what you meant to say... Or is it? But since Scott is pretty oblivious to any type of compliment or flirt you decided not to jump in.

"Oh, of course they do" the hipster started "Anyways, I have to go now. I got more important stuff to do" Liam says while he started to walk away.

"Psh, as if you have other things to do than judge other monsters' decisions" You say. "Even better: their poor fashion senses with Vera".

And just like that, that damn hippie left you with Scott.

"Don't listen to him Scott..." you turn to him, "Which one? Liam or Damien?".

Wow. You did not expect that... From Scott at least.

"Well... Just don't trust those two THAT much" You chuckled "Why do you have that sign for anyway?".

"Oh yeah! I forgot I have a sign in my hand" and good ol' normal Scott was back. "Well since prom is in 3 weeks, I was trying to find a way to find the right date for me"

"I first asked Liam what I should do but he kept saying big words I don't understand, so I went to Polly. All she said was find the one who can make the coolest cocktail out of anything, and they'll be the one. But I don't like cocktails, so I asked Miranda but she got too excited and got her servants to find people and made me go on blind dates even though they don't go to our school and we wEREN'T EVEN BLIND OR AT LEAST BLIND-FOLDED" he rambled on but you didn't listen.

You were pretty much looking straight in his eyes, maybe because he was hot? Or maybe you were wondering what eye color he had? Cerulean or royal blue?

"So I ended up asking Damien and he gave me the idea. But I really don't know why was he laughing while saying that. Maybe he thought 'this idea is so great, it's funny!'" after that he gave an adorable and heartful chuckle.

"Well... Are you accepting applications right now?"

"Why, of course! Normally, people will pass by instead or laugh" aw poor Scott :(.

"Well... It's their fault for not trying out for an amazing 'job' like this" you let out a little laugh.

"Ooh! A cute laugh, one of the qualifications. You just might get the job ya know!" He says still completely oblivious to your intense blushing and stuttering.

But all good things must come to an end as the bell rings.

"Oh well, I have to go to class now well about the um.. You know" you started to stutter.

Man, this big fluffy man is really giving you a hard time right now.

"Oh! The interview thing well... Maybe we can continue this after school at the mall together. You up for that Y/N?"

Wait, was he asking you out on a date?

"Like a date?"

"Yeah! A date! Is that another word for interview?"

Suddenly you had the greatest urge to give Damien the biggest bear hug even if you get killed in the process.

(698 words)

A/N: This could have been much more longer though but I had to rush it a bit (Amazing Spiderman was on, I have priorities). Anyways, this is the first one shot of the book. Sorry if this is not too good, I'm still struggling a bit on writing. I'll get better I proMISE PLEASE PUT DOWN THE PITCHFORKS-

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