// Brofriends // Wolfpack Leader X Scott

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Alternate title: 'Boywolves' but I liked 'Brofriends' better.

Requested by: VergilSaikou

The leader doesn't have a name (so does the other wolves), so I gave my hc name for him instead, Andy/Drew Wolf (Andrew would be his real now tho). Don't judge me, I like it.

Warning: a bit of angst... Actually a lot. Also swearing.

"One minute left in the game, folks! Looks like the two are tied"

Andy was actually nervous about this b-ball game for once since they were against an amazing school with the strongest demon athletes, Horror Academy.

They were faster, stronger and somehow much more hygienic than them. They were the crowd's fan favorite, even those who go to Spooky High were in favor of them.

His breathing was getting faster and faster but he somehow started to calm down when the ball was passed to Scott Howl, his teammate and boyfriend.

Their eyes locked on each others, both giving a little grin of assurance.

But before he could shoot, he got blocked by one of the demons of H.A., but Drew noticed he was open.

"Scott! I'm open!"

Those were the words he regretted so dearly.

"Howl passes the ball to Wolf! He shoots... But misses the hoop! Looks like one of H.A.'s got it now"

He missed...?

He can't even believe it himself. 3 hours of practice nearly everyday, leading to this? His heart dropped...

Some of his teammates were running after the demon who got the ball, but it was no use and he just watched from his spot.

"He shoots..."

Oh no...

"And he scores!"

"Horror Academy had won the game!"

The other team screamed, cheered and made loud noises with their mouths, even louder than Andy's team if they won.

His team just stood there, speechless.

He didn't feel so good...
(A/N: aaaaAAAAAH-)

The whole team counted on him as the leader, and he failed even with the amount of practice and effort they gave.

He may be stupid, but he has feelings.

And he felt useless.

While he was being a sad sap like everyone in their team, Scott gives a great big yell at him.

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