// Sportsball, Bro? // Oz X Scott

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Requested by: aaronblob17

Sorry it took so long, was kinda unmotivated to do it.

Warning: There's swearing because of the wolfpack :P

As Oz walks through the hallway, another goblin got chocked to death for the 18th time today, some sort of evil creature from another dimension is summoned and everyone is killing each other.

So it's a normal day for everyone, except for Oz.

Oz has to deal with one of the biggest challenge known to monsterkind: Going alone without the squad.

Ah yes, a true horror.

Even though he is the concept of fear itself, the thought of that really scares the living daylights out of him.

Since Vicky couldn't find her head, Brian is trying to woo a monster and Amira's nowhere to be found, he only has himself.

So what did he do?

The obvious answer is, of course, avoid any social interactions with anyone else by sitting alone in the cafeteria rather than trying to talk to other monsters and spend the day with them instead.

He's a lovable nerd like that, what did you except?

While eating his questionable lunch alone and regretting his decision when he could be eating in the bathroom instead, the wolfpack came in the cafeteria... Crying?

Without noticing him, they sat on the same table giving out gross wolf sobs.

'This is just sad'.

The toughest crew of the school, all sobbing.

Finally gaining courage, the boy asks "Are you guys okay?" with a soft weak voice. "Oh hey nerd, *sob* it's just *sniff* t-that the-" one of them starts but he was stopped.

"One of our memebers is in the hospital!" Their leader says while the others started to cry even harder.

"What! What happened to him?".

"His ass got kicked by the Slayer so hard it was unbelievable! He told her that Thanos was gonna win in Infinity War, but she didn't believe him and was full of rage... Now that I think of it, the butt - whooping was kinda hilarious..."

Another one claims "But the real problem is that we need another player for the big sports game on Friday. Would you like to join? We're desperate, bro".

This was his chance to finally be apart of the cool guys, something he yearned for years now.

He'll maybe finally stop being the school nerd and maybe even woo his all time werecrush, Scott.

He can be more than he already was, but the problem is...

He doesn't even know how to play.

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