// How They Show Their Affections To You //

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A/N: Oh boy, I call tell this is an awful idea already.


She always gives the best cuddles, sings corny Disney songs for you and always gives a small peck on your cheek before she leaves.

Even though she may seem like an absolute sweetheart, she can sometimes (read: most of the time) be dangerous.

She starts tickle war between the two of you. It can go from cute and flirty to possibly killing you with laughter.


Suprisingly, Damien shows his affections, like, a LOT.

Since he believes (I BELIEVEEEE THAT THE LORD GOD oops wrong fandom-) that love is totally hardcore, he remembers to give the sweetest (and possibly most dangerous) hugs from behind.

If he's a bit of a softie for the day, he gives dozens and dozens of kisses.


CLEARLY, he gives amazing bear hugs that never fails to cheer you up.

Failed on the exams? Gives you a hug and you're all better. Got the part you wanted in the play? Gives you a hug and makes the mood even better.

But since he's a werewolf, he also acts like a lovestruck puppy towards its "owner" (or pet sitter).


He's not truly that much of a fan of PDA (do I even have to say he likes it ironically), heck trying to hold your hand is probably hard enough for him.

But when alone, the two of you usually cuddle inside your blanket fort while watching old 80's movies.

And whenever you help him in his food pics, he tags you and leaves a cute little thank you message too.

When it's usually not sex (oof), she takes you along for shopping clothes and going to the bar or club together.

Drunk or not, she always gets flirty and tries to make you blush.

But even with all the sex and drinks, she still remembers to put those aside and spend time together romantically.

Vera doesn't love us.


(jk we all deserve love, even if it means pretending that Vera cares about us even tho she really doesn't <3.
Here's the real deal)

She doesn't show much (obbiously) but if she does, she's kinda like Polly. She can get flirty at times but still remains as a tsundere.

Possibly the most loving thing she did for us was give us an absolutely extreme makeover since she says she cares about how you look and she thinks you look like hell. (i jUST GOT BACK-)

Honestly, the little snakes show more love than her.

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