regarding recent events

578 23 5

tw // grooming, pedophilia, csa


i forgot wattpad existed

if it wasn't obvious by now, I've left this fandom and discontinued updating this book for a long time now.

(uh sorry to the requests I've never finished, I still feel kinda bad about those)

Despite the fact that I've moved on with my life, I wanted to address something here that's been affecting me for a while. I know there are still a few readers (somehow?) so i just wanted to get my message out

If you don't know, Liam and Oz's voice actor, Cryaotic, was revealed to be a child groomer and predator. he admitted it (to an, albeit, really shitty youtube apology video) sometime last week.

as a former fan of his, it fucking pains me to see this behavior. not only was he a pedophile, his apology barely talked about the topic and he just kept blaming it on the fact that he was just "immature"

he wasn't immature. he was an adult when he did this. he made the choice and it was a shitty one.

with all of that happening i just wanted to say this: i do not support cryaotic anymore. what he did is fucking messed up.

regarding to his roles on the game, the devs responded with this on twitter

replacing his voice in the previous games may not be possible but I'm glad to see that the devs talked about it this and got rid of their ties with this man

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replacing his voice in the previous games may not be possible but I'm glad to see that the devs talked about it this and got rid of their ties with this man.

so yeah you can still support monster prom but fuck cryaotic. as someone who learned about this game because of cryaotic back then, it just pains me so much. And I'm sure I'm not the only who came to this game because of him

To all the victims, I hope you get the justice you deserve. I hope this horrendous act will never happen to you again.

Here's a link to one of the victims and their side of the story if u want to know more

and one last note, do not forgive cryaotic. if you're not the victim, you have no rights to do so. don't tell him he's "so brave" and that "it's all in the past dw" for admitting it. it's a crime, cryaotic should go to jail.

that's all, thank you for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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