// Jacket // Brian X Male! Reader (Part 2)

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Part 2:

You were on your way to the bathroom to find Damien when you hear a goblin screaming.

Yep, Satan was there.

You open the door to see the entire place in chaos.

More graffiti than usual, a toilet was on fire and three corpses were lying on the ground, including the goblin you heard screaming.

But hey, Damien was there sitting on the sink. That's good news.

"Hey man!" You greeted him enthusiasm.

You and Damien are pretty close friends due to sharing the same interest of causing chaos everywhere you go.  Not 100% bros but you still tolerate each other.

"Hey noob! I was just about to get a new body to kill, wanna join, man?" Typical Damien, always causing murder.

"Maybe later, I wanna ask if this jacket I found was yours or do you know who at least owns it" you brought the piece of cloth up and Damien takes a glance.

"Nah, not mine. That shade of green doesn't go too well with my kind of red. And, no, I don't know who owns that. But I can have it if you never find them, it looks big enough to hide bodies in it".

"Eh, I doubt I couldn't give it back. It looks old and is clearly cherished, this probably means a lot to them. I'm sure they're searching too".

"Whatever man, that sounded sappy" Damien commented while ripping of the dead head of the goblin.

"Alright, I'll see you later. I'll go ask Scott-" but you were interrupted when a new set of voices came in.

"Hey Damien about the- Oh, Y/N's here too..." Liam, the snarky hipster that hates everyone, greeted you two. He came in with Scott, so lucky you.

"Oh hey...".

"Sup noob".

You and Liam? Not a good pair. He pretty much thinks you're crap, but he thinks everyone is crap so nothing new.

"Hey bros!" Scott chimed.


"Sup much-cooler noob".

You and Scott, on the other hand, absolutely get along. Heck, maybe too well.

"Hey Scott, I was wondering if you own this?" You say.

"That jacket? Nah, I only wear jersey-themed ones" He replies.

Darn it, well the search continues then.

"Um, what's all of this for anyway?" Liam asks, confused.

"Found this on the ground, been trying to find the owner all day".

"Ah, the cliché 'I-lost-this-thing-and-my-love-is-the-one-who-found-it'. What a corny rom-com technique, I tend to like those kind ironically" he looks away, pretending to be disgusted by that thought.

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