// Angelic Demon // Miranda X Reader

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A/N: It's technically Miranda X Polite! Demon! Fem! Reader but it's a little too long for the title so I'll put it here instead :P.

Requested by: TazMainanDevil15

I now you said fluff but my hand sort of slipped and made it a little serious. So uh sorry about that, but I promise there's some lovey dovey stuff in the end tho

Warning: Since Damien has dialogue here, ya know there's gonna be swearing.

As Damien watches Miranda's book fall of her desk in class, he decides to be a dick and kick the book farther away from her like he always does to other monsters.

"Damien..." Miri grumbles under her breath. But before She could get her servants to get it back, you approached the two monsters and offered the book in front of her.

"Here's your book" You say with eagerness "Thank you so much, kind Y/N. I'm VERY lucky you're SUCH a nice person, unlike our other friend here..." Miri, of course, eyes Damien.

'What the hell?'

While you were in the cafeteria after class, the hell boy crashes into yours and Miranda's table.

And that was the 7th table he broke today so not much of suprise.

Thinking his plan 'Operation: Ruin Everyones Lunches And Think Of A Better Name For This' had worked, the boy laughed at his success.

But the demon stopped once again when he saw you helping out Miri's servants in picking up the spoons, while Miranda watches you in adoration.

He was confused as hell.

Clearly, he had to do something about this.

"And she was HELPING that fish breath noob! Are you even listening, Liam?!" He screams in anger. "Partially" the hippie says as he snaps another picture "Why is this so important to you anyway?" He, without any interest at all, says without looking up.

"Cause she's a DEMON!"


"She's sort of supposed to act like one!"

(A/N: did i just made damien stereotype you-)

"like an asshole?"


"An asshole like you then?"

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