// Electrical Fire // Vicky X Damien

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Requested By: a_living_derp

Warning: Swearing and fire. Lot's of fire.

"So who are you taking to prom with, Damien?" Miranda uses her forking spoon while sitting next to Vera and Liam.

"Uh..." He wanted to answer but lately Damien finds himself staring most of the time at a certain Frankenstein's Monster.

"Hello? Earth to Damien?" Liam snarls while taking his 5th food pic for today.

"What? Oh... Um, I can't go" Damien was not in control of his words, he was focused on watching the frakengirl eat her lunch with her friends.

"And... Why is that? You were pretty excited the other day... You already had a plan on how to burn down the entire place" Vera feeds Sanchez with gravy.
(A/N: yes, gravy)

"Uhhhhh... I have a bar mitzvah to attend to...?" Finally staring at the group of monsters he's sitting with.

"If you're gonna lie, make it seem somehow factual. You're a Satanist, Damien. Seriously, what's wrong with you?" Vera finally asks the obvious.

"I think someone has taken the attention of our 'beloved' Damien, making him easily distracted and look like an imbecile".

"Who are you calling an imbecile!" The Devil snapped.

Due to his reaction, everyone in the cafeteria, including Vicky, looked in their direction.

When he saw the girl staring too, he softened up and gave up instead. Making everyone go back and focus on their lunch.

"Weird, Damien hasn't killed Liam yet... Strange, usually this happens when Damien is in love- Ooooh! So who's the unlucky girl then, Damien? I can give you tips and stuff for a small (not really) price" Vera starts.

"Oooh! A maiden has caught the attention of our friend. I do love to watch a courtship in progress myself" Miranda adds.

At that point, Damien was flustered "It's no one..." His head was buried on the table to cover his even redder face.

"It can't be no one, I think I caught him looking at Vicky more than once in the cafeteria today..." Liam looks up from his phone.

"Alright! I admit, I like Vicky..." He finally says in an unusually quite manner.

The fish was about to squeal but was stopped by Satan himself.

"But don't tell anyone, you noobs! Or else I'll pull off your eyeballs, even your snakes' eyes, Vera!" She points at the gorgon but she just rolls her eyes.

"You have my word, friend. But its seems to me you need help in courtship!" Miranda gets a giant and dusty book from her bag.

'Courting For Dummies' it says on the front.

"Do you always carry that with you, Miranda? That thing looks ancient, it probably costs a lot due to it's old age... I'm gonna get that book" Vera smirks, making Liam slightly concerned for what she's gonna do next.

Monster Prom // One Shots & Preferences // *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now