// Just A Prank // Oz X Damien

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Requested by: NeutroStar and hungarian_horn_tail

Go ahead and murder me for not updating so often.

Read Valerie's dialogue in Dodger's Valerie voice in Jesse's play through. It's totally worth it.

"What? 'Sold out' again?" Oz rants off to dear ol' Valerie desperately.

Where was he? In the bathroom, trying to buy some Dragon Heat for the 10th time this week.

Always gone every time he asks.

Wonder why?

"I keep telling you to come to school early so you can have a fresh one but you didn't, not my problem" She answers (in a Russian accent) while texting her sister, Vera.

"I did! I came here at seven o'clock. Is that not early enough?".

"Nope. Dragon Heat is pretty new, of-fcking-course it's gonna sold out early, three A.M. to be exact" Valerie gives a bored and a 'don't care' type of face.

Oz sighs, wondering why bother trying.

"Anyways, you can go sulk there for as long as you want. I'll go check the back, don't steal sht" she stands up from her seat and goes off.

Wait... Where is the back anyway? She keeps moving her stuff everywhere, where could it be?

Anyways, back to Oz.

Oz was wondering where in the world could he get a cheap copy.

In a volcano? Inside an underground hiding spot? In the arms of an angel? Somewhere in another dimension?

He might ask the Interdimensional Prince about that later...

Or maybe get an illegal copy online in a PDF file? That could probably bring a virus to his phone?

Nah, he's a good boy. He won't do that for the sake of the story.

While he was stuck in his thoughts, Valerie came back while a different door opens too, revealing the red spicy baby- I mean adult.

His eyes focuses on Damien, who was wearing his usual get-up.

Gosh darn, he loved that demon.

At times, he tries to flirt with him but ends up stuttering and saying incoherent words. If he actually does say the words right, Damien, being the airhead he is, doesn't get it.

He also tries being a little subtle.

Okay, maybe tooo subtle for Damien to notice.

'Note-to-self: don't just randomly throw a box of chocolates at him. May seem out of context for him and may actually hurt him in the face or gut'.

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