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"I'm leaving town" said Hayley once she noticed that Odette was looking at her as if she was waiting for Hayley to say something

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"I'm leaving town" said Hayley once she noticed that Odette was looking at her as if she was waiting for Hayley to say something

"Where will you be going?" Odette asks confused. It was morning now, Odette had left Niklaus house before sunrise knowing that Hayley would be waiting at the hotel room. To which Odette was right, once the two were awake Odette told her brunette friend they could talk once she was out of the shower

"Klaus gave me a hint of where my birth parents might be," Hayley says which surprises Odette since Niklaus was not known for just giving out information for free or to anyone out of the kindness of his heart. So Odette ignores the fact that Hayley just told her where she found answers that she has been in search of. Instead of focusing on the fact that Niklaus was the one who gave her the information

"He just willingly gave you the information?" Odette ask not believing that the information about her family didn't cost Hayley anything

"Well no, but you sleeping with him sure did put me on his good side," Hayley says with a playful smirk which makes Odette glare at her and then chuckles as she hadn't told her friend about her one night stand with Niklaus

"How did you know?" Odette asks

"I could practically smell him on you, and he is so your type," Hayley says which just makes Odette look at her speechless. Odette kept opening up her mouth to say something but then closes it since she didn't know how to respond back

"I will not have this conversation with you" Odette ends up saying, while looking away for a bit then back to Hayley

"What exactly do we need to not talk about?" Hayley asks trying to get answers, normally when either one of the two did something and the other wanted answers they would just ask. Once the question was asked they would normally share the information truthfully.

"Well you know what happens when I have a one-night stand," Odette says since it is not the first time she has had a one-night stand. When Odette triggered the werewolf curse it was as if she was sexually frustrated every waking moment. Which led to her having one-night stands and then sometimes just boy toys and then she met Hayley. The brunette assured Odette that its sort of a side effect of when one breaks the curse. Hayley shared with her most of the answers that she had found from being a wolf, and then the two went in search of more, in search of control. Along the way they became family, protecting each other at all costs.

"He did say he liked being in control, so does that mean you were submissive?" Hayley asks curiously which just makes Odette blush, thinking of her night with Niklaus

"You knew I was going to sleep with him, didn't you?" Odette says realizing as to why Hayley had left once the vampire that attacked her last night dead and without looking back for Odette

"Don't pretend like you didn't enjoy your night!" Hayley exclaims as if she was right, which she was but Odette did not want to give her that satisfaction

"I will ignore that," Odette says not letting her mind wander deeper to last night's events. Instead she brings the conversation back to what it originally was supposed to be about, Hayley finding more about her real parents "Do you want me to go with you?"

"I can handle this alone," she says but Odette knew her better to know now that when Hayley was being an emotional-less person, she was hiding something.

"I know you can, but I don't want you to. Plus, there is nothing in this town worth staying for" Odette say knowing that she was not going to stay in Mystic Falls, plus she was not going to let Hayley go looking for her real parents alone. Odette did it last time and leaving her alone resulted in Hayley making a deal with Katerina Petrova and then telling Odette that they were not safe while the two were miles away from each other.

"What no going another round with the hybrid?" Hayley says almost taunting Odette, so she just ignores her comment once more. Odette definitely did not want another round with Niklaus, hence her saying one-night stand. Yet a little part of her was telling herself a lie, but having another one night stand with the hybrid was not worth staying in Mystic Falls and letting her friend keep searching for answers alone

"I am going with you to wherever it is that you are going as long as I do none of the killing" Odette declares standing her ground while looking into Hayley's eyes and her looking back. Odette won their little stare contest once Hayley gave in by looking away with a roll of her eyes.

"Then we are going to New Orleans" Hayley says with a smile which makes Odette smile back ready for the start of a new adventure.

"Then we are going to New Orleans" Hayley says with a smile which makes Odette smile back ready for the start of a new adventure

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A/N: I did not realize how motivational and satisfying votes can be until now, so THANK YOU to everyone who votes


one of my pet peeves is writing mistakes e.g.; misspelled words/ double spaces. so if you see those please comment and tell me because it will make me feel 10x better, and I promise to never get mad if you leave any constructive criticism

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