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Klaus and I were waiting in the dining room for Elijah and our guest, Freya their long lost older sister, just as the staff was setting the room ready for brunch

"There you are. Finally" Klaus says just as Elijah walks through the compounds entrance door.

Before walking over to the table Elijah strips off his coat and places it on the side chair that was against the wall, "I was delayed"

"Our guest of honor will be here momentarily" Klaus says with a smile as he stood at the head of the table resting his hands on the chair

"Strange, our house is conspicuously absent of our lupine guests. I do hope it wasn't on my account" Elijah says making me roll my eyes

"Elijah don't flatter yourself" I say making Klaus laugh and he walks over to the dining room entrance looking outside "I sent the newlyweds of to the Bayou with their pack to test the limits on their new abilities. And since it seems I've suddenly become a Mikaelson I'll be joining this family business to which Klaus seems to see going all in his favor"

"Niklaus, Rebekah's situation has taken a turn" Elijah informs us as we both turn to face the eldest Mikaelson brother "We may need Freya's assistance. So, whatever you are planning here? Don't"

"All I'm planning is a simple chat with a long-lost relative. You yourself said to hear her out" Klaus says as he stands near the end of the table closest to the door leading to the courtyard facing Elijah who stood at the other end of the table leaving me to stand on the sides listening to the two brothers go back and forth with what was needed to happen today

"And you yourself said that would be idiocy" Elijah replies

"Did I?" Klaus says amused pretending in trying to remember what he said

"Well, it does sound like me. Regardless, on the off-chance Freya has some information that could protect my daughter, I'd prefer she share it on my terms." Klaus says as he taps his ear making everyone use their supernatural hearing wondering what he heard, "Ah! I think I hear her now!"

We all turn to face the door Freya enters through the steel compound doors with a smile on her face. She had blonde hair resembling Klaus yet the smile on her face reminds me of Rebekah. She turns to face me as I'm a stranger to her and still with a smile on her face says, "You must be the wife"

"Me!? I assume you mean Klaus wife?" I question speechless and when Freya nods her head I let out a laugh "oh hun no, I'm more of a Mikaelson adjacent

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"Me!? I assume you mean Klaus wife?" I question speechless and when Freya nods her head I let out a laugh "oh hun no, I'm more of a Mikaelson adjacent. I'm Odette the baby mama. Plus if i was to ever marry Klaus i'd be too proud when it came to changing my name, as it shall forever be De Marie. But enough of that come in, come in. Make yourself at home"

We were all making small talk in the dining room as a compelled staff was finishing setting the table. Freya holds in her hands a small round artifact she found in the room. "This witch-hoop, it's Danish. Is this from when you all lived in Copenhagen in the 1500s?"

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