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After Hayley and Odettes time in Mystic Falls Hayley had decided that she wanted to go to New Orleans alone

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After Hayley and Odettes time in Mystic Falls Hayley had decided that she wanted to go to New Orleans alone. New Orleans was what the Professor Shane's flash drive said her real parents were. Since Odette knew Hayley wanted to do this alone she was too emotionally tried to fight her, Odette packed her bag and went to Colorado.

Shortly after, Odette received a call from Hayley saying that they were both in trouble, but Hayley had a plan so they wouldn't die. Which is what led both wolves to set course for Mystic Falls once again. Only this time to find protection from the Hybrid who they got to slaughter his last remaining hybrids.

As Hayley and Odette walked out of a Mystic Falls truck stop it was night out and since it seemed that no one was walking outside they made their way out.

The two brunette wolves were walking between two trucks when suddenly there is the noise of metal clanking making both of them to stop and look around. Since Odette felt that it wasn't just some truck driver dropping their wrench she reached into her jacket and took out one of her knifes. This time around Odette made sure to carry a knife during her visit to Mystic Falls.

Before Odette could walk over to Hayley they were both attacked by a vampire, speeding them to be pinned up against a truck. Since Odette had her knife in her hand she was able to cut her attacker from his abdomen straight up to his shoulder, making him take a step back letting go of the wolf.

With the knife still in Odette's hand she throws it at her attacker only forgetting that he was a vampire meaning he was able to catch it. Since Odette didn't have any moves in her that wouldn't lead her to dying she let him make the first move, which was walking angry towards Odette with her knife in his hand. Meaning that once the vampire was standing in from of Odette she lets him stab her in the abdomen so she can then kick him away and drop him to the floor. Once he is on the floor Odette makes sure she had her good pressed on his neck while she kneels with her other good on his chest, only to stab him in the heart with the knife that was previously in her abdomen. As his skin started to turn grey Odette stood up taking in her surrounding making her hear Hayley say, "You came". Knowing that those weren't meant for her, Odette turns to see their Hybrid savior, Niklaus

"I could have used some help" Odette says as she slowly walks towards them with her hand pressed on her abdomen and if Odette wasn't wearing a dark colored shirt, the blood stain would be pretty obvious. As the attention was turned to Odette, Hayley's vampire attacker fled while holding his neck meaning Niklaus have bit him.

"You seemed to have it handled" Niklaus says with a smirk on his face making Odette roll her eyes.

"I thought you were going to protect us" Hayley states as she walks towards Odette and helps her with her injury by letting Odette us Hayley as a support system

"We need to leave, there may be more" Odette says as she has her arm around wrapped around Hayley's neck

"You were foolish enough to make a deal with Katerina Petrova. She used you to find the cure and now you're nothing but a loose end. You'll be lucky if she lets you live" Niklaus says as he stand in front of the two wolves with blood still reigning on his lips from having bitten the vampire

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