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Hayley and Odette returned back to Tyler's house before the moon touched the sky

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Hayley and Odette returned back to Tyler's house before the moon touched the sky. They entered through the front door this time letting Odette be reunited with her boots. Since she couldn't go very far since being shoeless making her decide that it was best to keep her shoes on during all times while in Mystic Falls.

After a good night's rest in an actual bed, a new day came along with what seemed to be a new problem in Mystic Falls. The problem being Tyler's friends being held hostage by a hunter named Conner. The solution they had was to let Dean, one of Niklaus hybrids, to be a distraction so the hostages can be saved by Tyler's group of vampire friends. Which led Hayley and Odette to listen to Dean and Tyler's argument from across the hall.

"Look, man, this guy is dangerous. He's highly trained. He's armed" Tyler says defending his argument in not wanting Dean to go up against the hunter while only being able to use non-lethal force. Per Niklaus' request and since Dean was still sired he couldn't disobey orders.

"I can handle myself. Besides Klaus asked me personally" Dean responds trying to remind Tyler that he doesn't have an option, he had to follow orders. The argument kept going as Hayley and Odette leaned against the doorway of the room, each on either side as the two wolves listened into the Hybrids conversation

"This is a bad idea" Tyler states as he follows Dean into the room which made them walk away from their eye line. Some blonde chick appeared in front of them having heard the end of the Hybrids conversation before they moved into the next room. She then turned around only to send the girls a confused look as they were new faces

"uh, who are you?" The blonde light-skinned, the definition of high school cheerleader, vampire asks Hayley and Odette

"who the hell are you?" Hayley responds with the same amount of hostility as the blonde vampire spoke with

"Caroline" the blonde says making both Hayley and Odette get hit with a wave of recognition, now that Odette thought about it Caroline did seem to be Tyler's type

"Oh, you're Tyler's girl. He told us about you." Hayley says in a more friendly tone and then introduces herself and points at Odette when saying her name "I'm Hayley, that's Odette"

It seemed that Caroline took Hayley more as a threat than a friend making her pay about zero attention to Odette so she didn't pay any to her.

"Well, Hayley, that's pretty crazy, because I haven't heard a thing about you. Or you, Odette" Caroline says sounding jealous and mad sending a daggered glare at the two

"We've been staying here a few days" Hayley shares the news which makes Caroline more threatened by us as Tyler never mentioned the two girls, much less did he mention someone staying in his house

"Excuse me?" Caroline says, and in that moment, Odette knew that their plan to make Niklaus believe Tyler and Hayley had a thing while he was away would work. Especially since Caroline still didn't know about the plan and would play her part as a clueless jealous girlfriend perfectly.

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