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Hayley and Odette walk into Rousseau's bar during the middle of the day after another day of looking but finding nothing

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Hayley and Odette walk into Rousseau's bar during the middle of the day after another day of looking but finding nothing. Meaning it was another very discouraging day in New Orleans for the two wolves.

"Third time in here this week," Jane-Anne, one of the bartenders, states as cleans a glass across from Hayley and Odette who were the only ones sitting on the stools at the bar.

"I'm obsessed with the gumbo, Jane-Anne," says Hayley while Odette just looks at her drink, not having the energy to participate in the conversation. Odette had asked for an iced tea while Hayley asked for some alcohol, her drink calming her nerves, and Odette's drink relaxing her.

"The old ladies in the ninth ward say, my sister, Sophie bleeds a piece of her soul into every dish" as Jane-Anne brings her sister into the conversation Odette looks up from her drink and glances towards the kitchen where Sophie was. Bleeding a piece of her soul into the dish she was making, as she does this Sophie glances up and over at Odette making her at chef and she smiles back but it seemed like a sad smile, yet Odette doesn't question it.

"I asked around the quarter about my family," Hayley tells Jane-Anne which suddenly piques an interest since it is what Hayley and Odette had arrived in New Orleans to do 

"And?" Jane-Anne curiosity asks while she keeps working behind the bar 

"Nothing, zilch" Odette speaks up for the first time 

"I-we can't find a single person who remembers them" Hayley informs Jane-Anne of their progress on the search for Hayley's parents. The two women had been asking around since the moment they set foot in New Orleans. No one seemed to know who they were looking for or anyone who may know of the parents. There was nothing in the flash drive that Professor Shane gave Hayley nor was the information that Niklaus had given them any use. They had yet to find a promising lead

"Because, Hayley, people like you two were run out of here years ago" As Jane-Anne whispers those words but it was loud enough for Odette to hear and become alert of all of their surroundings, not knowing if they could trust Jane-Anne if especially knew that her customers were both werewolves

"What do you mean, people like us?" Hayley speaks up with hostility, it seemed Odette wasn't the only one on her toes. Jane-Anne then walks over to the end of the bar to grab something and then moves to where the two wolves were both seated. The bartender set a map in front of Hayley

"In the bayou, they call the werewolves 'Rougarou'" Jane-Anne shares the information but she knew so much more than she was leading on. Odette didn't question how willing the bartender was at handing over information since they were finally getting some answers to the questions they had been looking for. Jane-Anne then circles a place on the map "you head out there, you'll find what you're looking for"

As Hayley stands up with the map in her hand and is up from her seat walking towards the door Odette speaks up saying "wait for me" and then stand up from her seat after the brunette sets down some money for their drinks. Before Odette could walk towards Hayley, Jane-Anne stops her by placing her had on the wolf's shoulder.

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