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It wasn't morning until I arrived at the Bayou where I was able to hear a clutter of heartbeats. I take slow steps through the woods with my hands in my pocket as I listen to my surroundings making sure when I got to the group, there would be no surprises but me.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY!" I shout once I see a group of wolves who stood around having seem protecting the area, meaning I was close. When they notice me they start to watch my every move as two get their bow and arrow ready

"We can't let you through" One of them says making me laugh knowing they were wrong

"You really think you can take down a hybrid?" I say was I let my eyes glow and the veins under my eyes pop, this only makes one of the men shoot an arrow at me and as I catch it I throw a knife at one of them. It lands right in their shoulder blade making them scream out in pain as I then vamp speed towards one while getting them into a headlock until they were no longer fighting me as they go limp.

When I look up the other three werewolves they have their weapons pointed at me. The wolf I had previously injured still had my knife in his shoulder. Then two wolves lunge towards me and we beginning to fight, once I get one in a headlock at do the same as I did to the previous wolf as I punch the other that lunged towards me. When the wolf under my arm goes limp I drop him and turn to the other two wolves who were left. To the wolf I had previously punched I do so I again just harder making them fall to the floor unconscious.

"So" I say as I turn around to the last one, as I fix my jacket and walk over to them. I pin them against a tree and put pressure on the knife that was embedded in their shoulder making them scream "You will tell me where your alpha is"

"T-they are out where we burry traitors"

"Thank you" I say as I pull out my knife from their shoulder and slam them against the tree and let them fall to the ground. I walk towards my new destination as I wipe my bloody knife on my black jeans


I reach the burial ground for murders and traitors where I see Jackson standing next to a wooden coffin that I could only assume was Aiden's. He hears me walking towards him making him turn around and face me only to look at me surprised. I have a now cleaned knife in my hand and a murderous look on my face, "Where is she!"

"Odette, I know-"Jackson says making me cut him off as I wave my knife in my hand

"No!" I say as I stand in front of him and punch him in the face. As he recovers I make sure the knife in my hand plunges into his shoulder and I leave it there "Now you can speak"

Before either one of us can speak the sound of a baby crying making me turn around to see Hayley walking towards us with a crying Hope in her arms, making me let out a shaky breath. Hayley hands Hope over to me making me hug her and hold her tight as everything about her seemed okay. So that's what I told her, I whispered to Hope that everything was going to be okay, that we were going to be okay and that I love her.

I then look up at Hayley needing answers, "Why did you do this behind my back?"

"I knew the moment Klaus said he had a plan that didn't involve running away, you were going to follow his plan," Hayley says not sounding sorry for her actions

"So you just decided to hurt me! You decided that what? That you taking Hope away from me would hurt less than Dahlia taking her?!" I ask as I make sure not to make any sudden movements that would disrupt Hopes calmness

"I didn't want to hurt you, all I wanted was to protect your little girl. I knew you would find us, you always do" Hayley says as she looks away as what was going to say next was going to take a lot "I just knew that you trusted this plan and Klaus was never going to allow it"

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