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After I made the phone call, we started our trek to a new destination. It wasn't until it started to rain that we stopped at a shed, to wait out the storm and come up with a new plan. I walk out of the shed to see the Crescent pack circling the perimeter in the pouring rain. Inside the shed Hope laid sleeping through the rain and thunder so I join Hayley and Mary outside under a canopy as they made some bundles of herbs. "How's that little one?"

"Sleeping right through the storm" I reply to Marry, anxiously and look up at Hayley who shakes her head softly making me turn my attention at Mary "Mary, you have no idea what it means you coming along with us but you should know what you're going up against"

"An ancient witch wants to steal my great granddaughter from my granddaughter? Not on my watch" Mary says making me give her a small smile, she then holds up the bundle of herbs she was putting together. "I brought you something that might come in handy. In my youth, wolves and witches had a peace. A Voodoo queen I knew showed me how to use herbs to see if magic was afoot. Combine Solomon seal and snapdragon and burn 'em"

With the lighter in her free hand Mary takes it and lights the bundle of dried herbs and flowers on fire before setting the smoking bundle in a clay bowl

"If the smoke is white, all's clear. If it's black, there's a hex in the air. And, if it's red? Well, then you know you're in trouble" Mary says as we look down at the smoldering herbs waiting for the color to be released. Black smoke appeared making me close my eyes not liking the news "Just what I thought-- this storm ain't natural"

"It's Dahlia. Of course she is trying to pin us down" I say as Jackson and another werewolf join us, each carrying a bow in hand and a quiver of arrows on their back as they are drenched in rain

"The road to the highway is flooded. The quickest way out of here is on foot, through back roads" Jackson shares making me sigh and run a hand through my hair overwhelmed by everything as I tried to hold back my tears

"What's wrong?" Jackson asks making me take a deep breath as I push my feeling down and decided to inform them on some news I just got as I was putting Hope to sleep

"Elijah called... Klaus is um" I say slightly nervous "he's gone and no one knows where he's disappeared to"

"That settles it-- we gotta get out of here" Jackson says as he looks over at me "That is if you still want to run"

"It's too late to turn back, especially since Dahlia is trying to stop us" I say meaning it, as much as I would want to not run we were already too far gone to turn back

"What about the others?" Hayley asks making me look at her knowing what had to be done

"We are splitting up, I can't let them risk their lives any more than they already have. It's not fair" I say knowing that every word I'm saying was true.

As I packed Hopes things in a dipper bag, Hayley and Jackson were outside saying a speech to the rest of the pack about letting them go. And as they spoke outside in the rain, Mary was with me inside the shack.

"This must be hard for you" Mary says as she helps me wrap Hope in her sling

"In more ways than one" I say since know that Klaus was up and running it's taking everything in me not to run with Hope to try to find him

"Your mother was never the forgiving type, I'd have to guess you inherited that from your father?" Marry asks making me chuckle as she takes my mind off all the worry I carry

"Your mother was never the forgiving type, I'd have to guess you inherited that from your father?" Marry asks making me chuckle as she takes my mind off all the worry I carry

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