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"New Orleans has always been at war, Richard amok tribe fought vicious campaigns in defense of their land. in 1815 Andrew Jackson earned fame by staving off a British Invasion his army consisted of farmers, freed slaves and pirates, half a century later the union navy seized New Orleans cutting off supply routes and all but sealing the confederacy's fate" Niklaus says as he stands on the balcony only to end his history lesson by walking back into the room

"are you always this condescending when you lecture someone?" I ask Niklaus from my seat on the couch as I pretended to read the book in my hand having lost interest and my place

"well it's not his intention to condescend you. Bore you mercilessly perhaps" Elijah says from his seat behind the desk as he flipped through his mother's spell book

"I simply offer a reminder history showed us at any attempt to assert dominion over this town ends in bloody conflict" Niklaus states only for me to groan in pain as I bring my hand to my belly feeling a kick

"If miracle baby doesn't stop hitting my internal organs you will be getting your bloody conflict" I say yet my words seemed alert the brothers as they became alert

"what's the matter?" Niklaus asks while Elijah asks "how are you feeling"

"sorry" I say as I realize that my words made them worry when what I was feeling was normal or at least as been normal for the past weeks "baby is fine, I'm okay. but... now that I have your attention. When am I getting the moonlight rings you promised?"

"I told you they're a work in progress I just need my witch to perfect the spell" Niklaus says as he takes a seat in front of me leaving Elijah to be the only one standing

"assuming she's willing to cooperate once she realizes the scope of your plan" Elijah says knowing the witch Niklaus had in mind

"leave Genevieve to me"

"perhaps we should seek someone else to cast a spell of this magnitude" Elijah offers making me shake my head not wanting a last minute change

"No, she is infatuated by Niklaus and we are going to work that angle until it doesn't work. Unless you want to babysit while i'm chained up every full moon because I won't be pregnant anymore if we wait. I need those rings now" I say as I look at both of the brothers seeing that I had Niklaus on my side

"tomorrow is our window, Genevieve will have the spell ready to harness the power of the full moon" Niklaus says informing us that the rings will be made during tomorrows full moon

"yeah what about the stones needed to bind the magic to the rings"

"they're being handled as we speak" Niklaus says meaning that the two people in charge of the stones were on their way


Jackson and Oliver had yet to arrive to the compound making Hayley and I worried that something happened to them. So to ease our worry Elijah decided to call Niklaus and see if he had any ideas or plans

"Yes, brother, what is it?" Niklaus voice coming out of Elijah's phones speaker

"It appears our wolves have gone astray, brother" Elijah says as I play with the necklace around my neck

"They should have arrived by now" I say interrupting Elijah as I stood by the couch worried for the plan and most of all my cousin

"We need to find them" Elijah tells his brother

"Well, that might be a bit tricky. You see, we've located their car on a back road in the middle of nowhere. I suspect they've been shanghai'd" Niklaus says making me run a hand through my hair worried not only worried for Jacksons safety but also the safety of the stones needed for the rings

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