☽ 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞

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Odette had made up her mind. Once, Elijah, Hayley, and Odette returned to the compound from having visited the French Quarter Odette went up to her room ready to pack a bag. The same bag she brought with her the day Niklaus told her they were leaving the plantation house. In it, Odette packed some clothes, my box of mementos, and two blood bags.

Odette was in her room holding a shirt when she hears Niklaus ask, "Where are you going?"

The brunette continues to hold the shirt and doesn't turn to look at him, keeping her attention on her hands, "I-I need to go home" 

"You are home," Niklaus says making Odette turn to look at him, and seeing that he was walking into the room towards her Odette places the shirt on her bag before meeting him halfway

"No, I'm not" Odette replies while shaking her head knowing that the compound will never feel like home if she never actually let go of her old one. It is the main reason she was never able to settle anywhere and call it home 

"So you are leaving us, you are leaving me?" Niklaus asks his voice raised making Odette look away from his piercing blue eyes, "So much for trust and loyalty" 

"I lost a child-" Odette tries to explain but he interrupts her

"So did I!" Niklaus shouts but it was so much more than just losing their child because for the both of them it was different 

"No! You didn't because I had to carry her for all those months. I was the one that had to make sure everything I did was good enough for her. I carried her after she was born only for her to be ripped from my arms! She was the last thing I thought of before I died and when I came back to life, all I could feel and think of was her. When we saved her from those witches and I was able to hold her once again I felt whole. Only to be told that I had to feed from her to stay alive. Only for her to be ripped from my arms once again" Odette shouts her voice breaking and tears fall down her cheeks "so whatever you are feeling right now doesn't come close to what I am feeling!"

"You are set on leaving the people who you say to care about?" Niklaus asks knowing she now had relatives in New Orleans ones that were her family and one of Odettes weakness was the people she cared about because she cared a lot

"Hayley will understand, she knows how I cope. Jackson will have Hayley, Hayley will have both Jackson and Elijah. Davina has Josh, Camille has you and Marcel" Odette say knowing that everyone she cared about or knows has someone in their corner for while she was gone and that their pain does not compare to hers

"What about me? Who do I turn to help me cope?" Niklaus says making Odette look at him almost feeling guilty but she didn't let herself, she couldn't

"Nik, you have your brother, your son Marcel, your friend Camille and if you ask I bet you will have Hayley too. But knowing you, you will push people away and mourn alone," Odette says and takes a hold of his hand while placing her other hand to rest on his cheek so he couldn't escape her words, "I'll be a phone call away, but for now, what is best for me is to get away so I can return to being who you know. If I stay I will turn into a monster that I don't want to become because of this pain. Now that I am part vampire I will want to turn off my humanity with every day that passes, and if I were to turn my humanity off. You would hate me"

"I could never hate you, love," Niklaus says making Odette smile as a tear falls from her cheek feeling the sincerity in his voice

"I won't test that. I just need you to let me go so I can return" Odette says in a whisper so her voice wouldn't break, she knew that nothing was going to stop her from leaving but she also didn't want to leave feeling guilty because Niklaus didn't let her go

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