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Parker texted me this morning to come meet him after his practice his over. He said he'd be done by 1 but I got here early so I'm sitting at the top of the bleachers doing homework. I hear the whistle blow and the coach tell them to hit the showers. A little bit later I hear someone walking up the bleachers. I go back to my homework until he gets to the top and sits next to me.

"You just had to go to the very top" he pants.

"Couldn't risk your friends seeing me" I say.

"Look, about last night--"

"I already know what your gonna say. It was a mistake and it's never happening again" 

"That's not what I was gonna say"

"What were you gonna say?"

"That I like you. A lot" he says nervously.

"I like you too but...you have a girlfriend Parker"

"I know" 

"Your friends are the most homophobic assholes I've ever met"

"I know. I don't know what to do"

"We'll figure it out later. For now go take a shower. I'll text you later"

"Ok. See ya" he says and jogs to the locker rooms. Once I can't seem him anymore I get up and start to leave. As I turn the corner I'm grabbed and pulled under the bleachers.

"What the fuck?!" I exclaim.

"Oh calm down, Ben" Sophia says, rolling her eyes.

"Jesus Christ, Sophia! You scared the shit outta me!"


"It's fine. What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find you. Maybe you could've answered a text?"

"Oh. Why'd you think I'd be here?"

"You weren't anywhere else and it's obvious you're crushing on Parker Johnson"

"It's not obvious"

"It's obvious" she says. She looks at the floor ad kicks the dirt. She looks like she wants to tell me something.

"Soph? Is everything ok?" I ask.

"Yeah. I just wanted to hang out with you today. Is that ok?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't it be?"

"You've just been spending a lot of time studying with Parker lately. I thought that maybe you got bored of me or something"

"No! Never! You will always come before anyone else. Well, you're kinda tied with Zoey but you get my point"

"You're hiding something"

"Am not"

"Are too! What is your secret Benjamin Hills?"

"You can not tell anybody!" I say. She closes her mouth and pretends to zip and lock it.

".....Parker kissed me last night...." I say nervously.

"WHAT?! Parker?! Kiss?!" she exclaims.

"Sh! Sophia!"

"Sorry. Are you serious?!"


"The quarterback?"


"Holy shit"



Parker's POV

"Parker. I gotta talk to you" Carter says.

"What's up?" I ask, closing my gym locker door.

"I talked to Aubree. She said that she's in Hawaii with her parents"

"She came over before she left"

"She's been in Hawaii since yesterday morning"

"Shit" I mumble.

"Why are you lying to me, man?"

"If I tell you, you can not tell Aubree"


"I cheated on her last night. I never got past a kiss and a little skin, I swear"

"Who was it with?"

"Um her name is...Zoey. She doesn't go here" I say. Ew, now I'm imagining making out with Ben's little sister. Oh my God I am so going to hell for that. 

"I won't tell her. Just don't do it again"

"Wh-what if she makes me feel like no one else has ever before? I've known her for years but I didn't start hanging out with her till a couple weeks ago. In 3 weeks she has made me feel more than Aubree has in 2 years"

"You're serious about this girl?"


"Break up with Aubree. Be with Zoey"

"I'm worried you guys will be an ass to her. She's not like us. She's an outcast and doesn't have a lot of friends. She's like the girl version of Ben Hills"



"Does she really make you happy?"

"I think so"

"In 2 weeks I'm going on a date with Karlee. Bring her and we can do a double date"

"2 weeks?"

"Schedules are tight"

"Oh. Um...sure....I'll talk to her about it"

"Ok. I'm going home. See you Monday"

" 'kay" I say and he leaves. I get out my  phone and call Ben.

Ben: Hey. I'm kinda busy right now. Can I call you back later?

Me: No, it's important!
Ben: Um ok. What's wrong?

Me: I was telling Carson about you but I changed your pronouns and name so now he wants me to go on a double date with him and his girlfriend and this girl I like

Ben: You told him no so what's the problem?
Me: ...well....
Ben: Parker!
Me: I didn't know what to do!
Ben: .......I have an idea
Me: What is it?
Ben: Bring Sophia. Tell him you got nervous so you lied a little

Me: That might actually work. I told him she's the female version of you and Sophia is a lot like you
Ben: Here, explain this to her

Me: She's with you?

Ben: Yeah

Sophia: Hey

Me: Hey. So how much did you hear?

Sophia: Just "bring Sophia". What the hell am I gonna be doing

Me: Posing as a girl I really like

Sophia: What about Au-bitch?'

Me: Is that really what you guys call her?

Sophia: it's not the best but it fits
Me: Oh. Well, I'm breaking up with her

Sophia: Awesome

Me: So, will you do it?

Sophia: Why the fuck not? When is it?

Me: 2 weeks

Sophia: Who's gonna be there?

Me: Carson and Karlee

Sophia: You've gotta be fucking kidding me

Me: Sorry...

Sophia: I better be getting free food out of this

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