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It's been a week and Parker and I officially back together. He picked me up this morning for school. Today is the last day before Christmas break.

"Do you want me to wait a few minutes after you get inside?" I ask.

"Nope. We're walking in together" he says.

"Are you sure?" 

"Yep" he says and we get out of the car. He drapes his arm over my shoulders and we walk inside.

"Everyone is staring" I whisper.

"Not everyone" 

"You're right, that guy just looked"

"How did I know you were gonna quote something?" he chuckles. He walks me to my locker and kisses me before going to his.

"Did Parker just kiss you in public?" Sophia asks.

"Yeah.....maybe he's drunk?"

"He doesn't drink"

"True. I don't know then"


Parker's POV

"Yo, Parker" Toby says.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I thought I saw you kiss Ben Hills this morning"

"Yeah, you probably did"

"You're gay now?"

"No. I'm bisexual"

"No, you're not. It's probably just a phase. You'll get over it"

"Actually, Toby, it's not a phase. I think I would know if I wasn't into dick"

"Man that's gross"

"Ok? Should I care about your opinion on me and my boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend? How long have you even been together? A day?"

"3 months. Yeah, 3 months of amazing sex with Ben. Would you like the details?"

"You're so fucking disgusting"

"Mhm" I hum and get out my notebook.


"Hey" I say and sit down at the table. Carson has started sitting with Sophia, Ben, and I at lunch instead of the football team.

"Hey" they say.

"How's your day been?" Ben asks.

"Got a lot of unnecessary comments on my sexuality. Does that happen to you a lot?"



"All the time. It gets annoying but you learn to ignore it"

"Have any of you seen Aubree today?" Sophia asks.

"No, why?" Carson asks.

"She never misses class but she wasn't in Bio or Algebra"



Aubree's POV

"Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck!" I scream and throw the positive pregnancy test at the wall, "shit....what the fuck do I do?" I mumble. The test says 3-4 weeks so I try to think of who I've had sex with in the last month......oh God. I get out my phone and text the father.

Me: Hey....so something happened......can you come to my house please? It's about what happened that night a few weeks ago
Parker: It was a mistake Bree, there's nothing to talk about
Me: Parker, I need you to come over. I don't want to talk about what happened
Parker: Then how does it relate to that night?
Parker: ........oh. I'll be there in 15
Me: Thank you


I hear a knock at the door. I go downstairs and let Parker in.

"Hey" I say.

"Hey" he says.

"Do you want something to eat or drink?"

"No, I'm good"

"Ok. You should probably sit down this" I say and we go to the living room. We sit down on the couch next to each other.

"I'm...uh.....I'm pregnant, Parker" I say trying not to cry.

"Are you sure?" he asks.

"Yes. I took 3"

"Ok. What do you want to do?"

"I'm not killing it"

"Are you keeping it?"

"I think so....I'm not sure"

"Ok. I'll support you no matter what you do. Do you want me to stay here with you?"

"Can you?" I ask.

"Sure. I just gotta let Ben know" he says.

"Did you guys finally get back together?"

"I forgot I told you about that. Yeah, we did. I came out to the people at school"

"Really? That's awesome, Parker! I'm so happy for you"

"Thanks, Bree" 


"Appointment is scheduled" Parker says.

"When is it?" I ask.

"Next Wednesday" 

"Ok. Next step....tell our parents"

"Do we have to? I'm sure they won't notice a baby"

"Yes, Parker, we have to"

"Fine" he says and flops down on the couch. 


Sorry for the chapter everyone! I'm running low on ideas. Gotta find a way to get the creativity juices flowing.....ew ignore that. I hope you enjoyed! Parker came out! Did not see that one coming....I mean I did but.....AUBREE'S PREGNANT?! Am I hyping it up to much? I think I am. Ok, well I'm gonna go now.   @Addicted_Sac  just came out with a new book that I'm editing(I'm such a good friend), you should go read it. I like it a lot. Thanks for reading! Byeeeee


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