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4 days later
Ben's POV

I walk through the forest, getting hit in the face with branches multiple times. I trip at least 3 times before I get to the spot I've been looking for. The abandoned park behind Parkers house. The place where Parker brought me to clear my head. I walk around and think about the first time Parker brought me out here, how we played like little kids until the sun started to set.

"Hey" someone says. I jump and fall to the floor. I look up and see Parker sitting at the top of the tall slide.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I ask.

"Maybe. What are you doing here?"

"I don't know. Why are you here?" I ask, standing up and brushing some dirt off my pants.

"I don't know" he says and slides down the slide. I roll my eyes at his response.

"How are the twins?" I ask.

"Good. You haven't come by at all since we brought them back to Aubrees"



"No, really, I've been super busy with homework"

"You're avoiding me"


"Its fine. I get it"

"You hurt me so bad that it's hard to be around you"

"Yet you came to our place"

"I miss when we were happy"

"We weren't exactly happy, Ben. I was closeted and surrounded by homophobes. You were being abused at school and at home"

"I was happy when it was just me and you"

"And now?"

"It feels like my heart is being ripped out my chest all over again"

".....do you remember our first kiss?"

"Yeah" I chuckle at the memory, "you're brother was a major cock block"

"Yeah" he smiles.

"And then you told your friends I was a girl named Zoey that went to another school. Weird choice for a name by the way"

"I know. I couldn't stop imagining your sister whenever I said it. It was disturbing"

"I want a time machine" I say after a few moments of silence.

"Why?" He asks.

"I wanna go back to last year. When Zoey and I were staying with Carson and we were out. There were a few days with no drama. Just me and you. No pregnancy. No abusive dad. Just us"

"Yeah I remember"

"You wanna know the real reason I came out here?"


"It would've been our one year anniversary today. I guess I just wanted to feel close to you without actually being near you"

"And you ended up being with me anyway"

"The universe is a bitch"

"Or maybe the universe is asking you to give me another chance" he says getting closer to me. I lean against the steps of the slide.

"Parker, you cheated. How do I know you won't do it again" I ask.

"You don't. You're just gonna have to trust me with whatever little grain of trust is left"

"I don't know" I say looking down. I feel a finger on my chin lifting my face up. He's inches away from my face.

"Please, Benji. One more chance" he whispers.

".......ok" I give in. He smiles and places a gentle kiss on my lips, "I gotta go. I'll text you later" I say quickly and leave the park. I get to my truck, Carson gave it to me when he left for college, and drive home. I go to my room and lay on my bed. I stare at the ceiling for a minute before grabbing my phone and calling my best friend.

Soph: Hey

Me: Fuck

Soph: what did you do?

Me: Parker kissed me

Soph: What?!

Me: and I told him I'd give him another chance

Soph: this is good right?

Me: I don't know! What if he cheats on me again?

Soph: then I'll kick his ass

Me: Soph, I don't know what to do

Soph: trust him one last time. If he hurts you again then he's out of your life for good. Got it?

Me: he's my brothers best friend and one of my best friends baby daddy

Soph: best friend?

Me: don't worry. You're my bestest friend

Soph: yay! Just trust Parker ok? I know it's hard but try

Me: ok, thanks

Soph: of course. I'm gonna fill Bree in. You should come say hi to the babies soon

Me: I will soon. Bye

Soph: Bye

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