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Ben's POV

"We should go to a haunted place tonight" Sophia suggests. We're hanging out in Sophia's room. There's 3 days until Christmas so Parker and I have been out for about 2 weeks.

"Yes!" Parker says excitedly.

"Like one of those fake haunted houses?" I ask.

"No. Like a place where people actually died and their spirits linger" Sophia explains.

"Fine. Nothings gonna happen but fine"


"This is ridiculous, guys" I say. We're at the haunted barn. It's really old and run down.

"So?" Sophia asks.

"Is Benji scared?" Parker asks in a teasing tone.

"No, he is not scared" I roll my eyes.

"Then lets go in" he says and grabs my hand. I sigh and follow them inside.

"Oh, look what I brought!" Sophia says and pulls out a Oujia Board.

"Fuck no! Nope! I'm out!" I say and start walking towards the door. A loud bang comes from upstairs and we freeze.

"What was that?" Parker asks.

"Probably an animal or something that wants to eat our faces" I say.

"Great way to stay positive, Ben"

"Mhm. I'll go see what it was"

"No, you won't. What if you get hurt"

"You're cute when you're scared"

"Shut up" he rolls his eyes. I smile and look at the loft where the sound came from. I see a shadow walk behind some hay. It looks like a man's figure.

"Hello? Who's up there?" I ask loudly enough for the person to hear me. There's no answer but a few seconds later a rock comes flying through the air and lands next to me.

"Shit! Are you ok?!" Parker asks.

"It didn't hit me"


"We should go" Sophia says. We agree and try to leave but the door won't open, "what the fuck?" she asks.

"Well that's just fucking fantastic" Parker mumbles. I look around and notice a bag peeking out of a pile of hay. I walk over to it and pull it out. It's Carson's bag...weird. I look inside and see some supplies like fishing line and a speaker. It probably had more stuff in it but he took it out. My guess, Carson's here trying to scare us. I look back up at the loft and see him staring at me. He looks so disappointed, like he didn't have enough fun before he was discovered. I put the bag back under the hay and go back Sophia and Parker.

"Any luck with the door?" I ask. Now that I know it was Carson, I can enjoy watching Parker and Soph shit their pants.

"Nope" Soph says sitting down next to Parker.


It's been about 20 minutes. Carson has done a few things to scare us like making noises and throwing things. I look down a hall that leads to smaller part of the barn and see Carson sitting on an old furnace. I can't see his face because it's too dark but I can tell he's staring at me. He pulls out what looks like a knife and starts playing with it. I roll my eyes and go back to the guys. He thinks he's soooo cool. I see Carson sneaking up behind Parker and Sophia, from the oppisite direction of where I thought I just saw him. How did he....Whatever.

"ARRRGHHH!" Carson yells jumping on the hay that they were leaning up against. They both scream like 8 year old girls. Carson and I double over in laughter.

"You knew?!" Parker asks.

"Yeah I found his bag awhile ago" I say sobering up.

"Fuck you" Sophia says with a smile. I think she's happy that she's not gonna be killed by a ghost.

"Lets go, I'm hungry" Carson says.

"How did you get the door to get stuck?" Sophia asks.

"I didn't"

"Yes, you did"


"Yes, Carson, you did" she says. I start to piece some things together and go to the beginning of the hall. The man is still there but he's closer. Not close enough that I can see his face but close enough that I can tell it's definitely a knife is in his hand. I quickly get back to the guys.

"Carson, kick the door open or something" I say.

"There's a couple loose boards there, I could probably just break a hole in the door" he says.

"Ok, whatever. Just do it" I say trying to stay calm. He kicks a hole in the door and we all climb out.

"Where's your car?" Sophia asks.

"I rode in the back of Parker's car" he says. We get in the car and Parker starts driving.

"Carson, did you bring anyone else with you?" I ask.

"No, why?" he asks. I look back at the door and see a mans head poking out.

"Because I saw a guy with a knife. I thought it was you messing around but since I saw him when you were with us I'm just gonna take a wild guess and say that wasn't you" I say.

"Creepy" he says.

"Oh my God! Drive faster!" Sophia screams. We look behind us, where the barn is, and see that man with the knife running at us. Parker speeds off and doesn't stop until we reach town.

"That wasn't my doing" Carson says.


{Unedited. I'll get Savanna to do it later}
You're welcome 😊 ~Savanna

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