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3 weeks later

Parker: hello?

Me: hey babe

Parker: Oh hey, Ben. I can't talk right now. I have class. I'll call you later

Me: You haven't called in a week

Parker: I know, I'm sorry. I promise I'll call tonight

Me: Ok. I love you

Parker: Love you too

Me: B-

"-ye" I finish. He hung up on me.

"Hey" Sophia says coming up to me.

"Hey" I mumble.

"Parker still hasn't called?"

"I called him. He said he has class"

"Well it is 9 am on a Tuesday. Most people do have class"

"He doesn't. He has afternoon classes"

"Wait so he lied to you? Why would he do that?"

"I have no idea"

"Do you think he's.....cheating on you"


"No no no. This is when you reassure me of his loyalty to you"

"He is 12 hours away, he won't talk to me, he's lying to me about what he's doing. I have no way to find out what's actually happening over there"

"Yes! You do!" she gasps.

"What?" I ask.

"You're brother and Parker's best friend is with him! He'll tell you if somethings happening"

"I've been his brother for 10 months. Parker has been his friend for years"

"Ben, call him"

"Ok fine" I go to Carson's contact and call him.

Carson: What's up baby bro?

Me: I am a year younger than you

Carson: So?

Me: ....you're so weird

Carson: Mhm. So did you call to just catch up at 10 in the morning

Me: It's...oh yeah I forgot your an hour ahead of us

Carson: Yeah

Me: So I have a question

Carson: Shoot

Me: What's Parker doing?

Carson: Pouting

Me: About?

Carson: He misses you

Me: Maybe if he'd call me or talk to me when I call him

Carson: It hurts him hearing your voice. He said and I quote, it kills me hearing his voice and not being able to touch him or kiss him. Ugh I'm pathetic

Me: Wait did he really say that?

Carson: Yep. Now he's throwing his pillows at me for telling you

Me: Can I talk to him?

Carson: You can try

Parker: I'm sorry

Me: Don't lie to me next time. I was thinking really bad things

Parker: Like what?

Me: You were cheating on me

Parker: I would never

Me: I know. Parker, it kills me too but what's worse is not even talking to you

Parker: It's gonna suck going back to school after Tatum is born

Me: Yeah. How long are you staying?

Parker: 2 weeks. My professors are gonna print out all of my assignments for that time before I go so I went get behind

Me: That's good 

Parker: Yeah

Me: I gotta get to class but I'll text you when I get home, ok?

Parker: Ok

Me: Love you

Parker: Love you too


We get out of the car and walk into Aubree's new apartment building. We get her to let us in and take the elevator to her floor. The place is beautiful, it's very modern. We get to her apartment and walk in. She's sitting on the couch eating Taco Bell and watching BuzzFeed Unsolved.

"Hey, Bree" Sophia and I say. She looks like she's been crying. I'll ask her about it in a minute.

"Hey guys" she says patting the seats next to her. Soph and I sit on either side of her.

"How ya feeling?" I ask.

"Like I'm 35 weeks pregnant"

"How was your doctor appointment?" Sophia asks.

"Good. Just the doctors are fucking idiots"

"How?" I ask.

"How do you miss a second baby?"

"What?" Sophia and I ask confusedly.

"It's been 35 weeks and they just realized there's two babies" she says tearing up.

"Wait your having twins?" Soph asks.

"Yep. They said she was hiding behind Tatum. The doctor or nurse or whatever she is always looks like she is hungover. They're just trying to cover their asses"

"Wait wait wait, you're having twins?!" I ask.

"Yeah. I'm having twins and the father lives 12 hours away. Fuck. I don't know what to do. I can not raise two babies alone"

"You're not alone. You have your mom and Sophia and you have me" I say putting my arm around her shoulder.

"Thank you, Ben. I'm really surprised you don't hate me though, I mean I'm having your boyfriends kids"

"I could never hate you, Bree.....at least not anymore. I love you and I'm sure I'm gonna love the twins"



"I love you too" she hugs me.

"Sorry to ruin the moment but have you told Parker yet?" Soph asks.

"Shit....I still have to do that" Bree says.

"Do you want us to stay with you while you call him?" I ask.

"Yes, please"

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