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Parker's POV

"Bree. I gotta talk to you" I say.

"I'm in the middle of a conversation. Can it wait?" she asks.


"Um ok" she says nervously. I walk outside and over to a bench. It's time for lunch so we're allowed to be out here.

"What's up?" she asks after sitting down.

".....you're an amazing girl, Aubree, but-" I start.

"Are you breaking up with me?" 


"Oh thank God" she says and lets out a sigh of relief.


"I wanted to break up but I wasn't sure how to do it"

"Oh. So we're good?"

"Yeah. Totally. It was something we both agreed on. We just drifted apart" she says. She smiles and goes back to her friends. Well.....that was easier than expected. 


I walk into the bathroom and see Carson.

"Dude. I found out something and I really need to tell someone" he says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I'm like 99% that Ben's dad beats him" he says. My heart drops and my blood runs cold.

"What?" I ask trying to stay calm.

"I ran into him at a hotel the other day. His sister told me that his dad calls him faggot and Ben kept trying to shut her up. I asked him if his dad gave him that bruise last week, he said no but he's terrible at lying"

"Oh. Have you seen him today?" 

"Yeah. I saw him with Sophia by his locker a couple minutes ago, why?"

"No reason. I'm gonna go back to the cafeteria"

"Ok" he says. I leave the bathroom and go to Ben's locker. He's sitting on the floor with Sophia.

"Ben. I need to talk to you" I say.

"Are you ok?" he asks.

"Yeah. Can I borrow him for a minute, Sophia?"

"Sure" she shrugs. I grab his hand and drag him around the corner of the hall.

"You wouldn't talk about it last week but you're gonna tell me now" I say.

"Tell you what?" he asks.

"Carson told me what happened at the hotel yesterday"

"Shit. Look, it's not that bad. I promise"

"....what does he do to you"

"He just says stuff and hits me if I get on his nerves. It's really not a big deal, Parker"

"Yes, Ben, it is a big deal"

"I'm ok. Zoey and I stayed at a hotel last night to give him some time to cool off"

"Does he hurt Zoey?"

"He's tried. I don't let him"

"Does anyone else know?"

"My dads friend"

"You haven't even told Sophia?"

"Of course not. She doesn't need to worry about me" 

"Whenever you even think he's getting mad, come to my house with Zoey"


"Ben. Please" I beg.

"Ok. I will" he sighs.

"Thank you" 


It's finally time for that double date with Carson and Karlee. Karlee is Aubree's younger sister so this is definitely gonna be awkward. Carson told me to dress formal. Apparently he reserved a table at a really fancy restaurant. I drive to Sophia's to pick her up. I get to her house and knock on her door. Her dad answers.

"Hello, sir" I say.

"Parker Johnson. The quarterback, right?" he asks.


"When Sophia said she had a date I was a little worried. I've heard good things about you"

"Oh. Well, it's nice to meet you" I say extending my hand. 

"Same to you" he says and shakes my hand. He lets me in and I see Sophia walking down the stairs. She's wearing a white-ish dress that cuts off below the knee with a pair of white heels. Her hair is up with a few strands out and her makeup is natural.

 Her hair is up with a few strands out and her makeup is natural

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"You look amazing" I say.

"Thanks. So do you" she smiles.

"You two have fun. Be back before midnight" her dad says. We say bye and go out to my car.

"So how are you going to explain this to Carson?" she asks after I start driving.

"I don't know. I'll figure it out when it comes to that" I say.

"Great plan"

"Shut up" I roll my eyes. We sit in silence for a bit before she speaks up again.

"Ben really likes you" she says.

"He does?" I ask with a smile.

"Yep. I'm not sure why though. You and friends torture him"

"I'm trying to get them to stop"

"Maybe if you told them that he's actually Zoey or even that he's your friend they would stop"

"Or it could get worse for him"


"I don't know. I just don't have a good feeling about it"

"Oh my God I just thought of the best thing" she says with fake enthusiasm.

"Yeah? What?" I ask.

"I out you the same way that you and friends outed Ben. Wouldn't that be so much fun!?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I take a video of you making out with a guy and send it to the entire school"

"That wasn't me, Sophia"

"You still bullied Ben for it. You know Tomas broke up with him as soon as that video got out. He told Ben he never wanted to see him ever again. They were getting pretty serious"

"I'm sorry, ok!? What was I supposed to do?!"

"Literally anything but what you did"

"I'm sorry" I say softly. The rest of the ride is quiet. We walk into the restaurant, holding hands. We walk over to the table and Carson looks away from his date to greet us. His eyes go wide and his mouth drops.

"Sophia?!" he exclaims. 

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