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Everyone arrives and we all hang out in the basement just talking. I still think having Karlee here is a little awkward since her and Carson broke up a few months ago but her and Soph are friends so I guess we couldn't exactly say no.

"I can't believe Tatum is gonna be here in 4 months" Aubree says.

"4 months? Is it really that soon?" Soph asks.

"Mhm" she hums.

"We only have 3 weeks left of school" Carson says.

"3 weeks? That so long" Soph wines.

"That's what I don't get about you. Tatum is gonna be here in 4 months, such a short time. We have 3 weeks of school left, it's so long"

"Because Tatum is our friends daughter. It feels like such a short time because once she's born, everything changes. Parker and Aubree are parents. In 4 months our lives are gonna change forever. Their lives are gonna change dramatically in just 4 months. 3 weeks seems so long when it comes to school because for the past 11 years it's been the same thing" Soph explains.

"Thanks, Soph. That was really deep and now I'm thinking about the meaning of life" I say laying face down on the floor.

"Stop being so dramatic. Get up" she says and throws a pillow at me. I get up and sit down next to Parker after dramatically rubbing the spot where the pillow hit my side.

"Benjamin, get snacks" Aubree says throwing the same pillow at me.

"Fine and stop throwing pillows at me" I say and walk over to the stairs. I'm about to go upstairs but I feel 5 pillows hit me. I turn around and see everyone looking at random things around the room. I roll my eyes and go upstairs. I go into the kitchen and see Peggy.

"Oh, hey, Ben" she says.

"Hi, Peggy. I was just getting snacks for everyone" I say.

"Ok but not too much. I'm making dinner soon" 

"K" I say and start looking through the fridge.

"Can I talk to you?" she asks.

"Sure" I say and sit down on the counter.

"I know I'm not your mom and I know that I can't ever replace her but I do hope that maybe someday I can make you feel like you do have a mom" 


"What was she like?"

"My mom?"

"Yeah, what was she like?"

"She was amazing. She was kind, sweet, smart, caring, resourceful. She was absolutely beautiful. When I was little she would always sing me a song before bed, You are My Sunshine. She would read me a different book every night but when I turned 8 she read me a book called Love You Forever, I would always wanted to hear it. I remember the last time she read it to me was the night before she died. She woke me up around 11 to go get a Slurpee, just me and her. I was out as gay and some guys were calling me a fag so she stood up to them and they shot her right in front of me. She died immediately but I thought she could be saved so I ran and called an ambulance. They tried to save her but they couldn't. She was an actual ball of sunshine and she made everyone's day better. Without her the world is just so much darker, I don't think I would have made it if it wasn't for Zoey. I just....I miss her so, so much everyday and I keep hoping that I'll hear a knock on the door and see her beautiful face standing in front of me. I hope it's her every time I hear the door. I know she's dead but I don't want her to be. I want her to be here with me and I want her to read me Love You Forever and I want her to sing to me and I want her to tell me how much she loves me" I say letting the tears fall. 

"Come here" Peggy says pulling me into a hug. She's crying as well, not hard, just a few tears here and there. I cry into her shoulder for a couple minutes until I calm down.

"Thank you" I smile softly.

"Of course. Now, go get back to your friends" she chuckles after we both wipe off our faces. I grab the bags of chips and go back downstairs.

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