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Karma Janelle Menace

Today I'm spending the day with Hakeem and Lela. I love Lela she so adorable and small for a 10 year old. I can't believe that Hakeem called me his girlfriend but you know, we never really talked about it we just kind of went with that and ran with it.

It is lunch time but i was going to the library so i could print out some work. I was on my way to the library when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and it was someone I never noticed before. A tall dark skinned handsome boy. He had to be at least 6'3, he was dressed like a lttle coke boy but you can tell he wasn't from no where around here. He had a different approach to his demeanor, like a real northern laid back type of demeanor if you know what i mean.

"Hi I'm new and i don't know where the library is" the dude said

"Oh I'm just on my way there so you can follow me" i said as i contiuned to go toward the library. We got there and i went to get the key to the copy room from the librarian. I felt a tap again and it was him again.

"Thanks for showing me, oh and my name Rakim by the way" he said smiling showing his pearly whites. He was cocky and I can tell. He was from New york or some where because of is accent.

"Welcome and my name is Karma" said smiling back.

"Will I ever see you around again?" he asked

"Probably not" I said smiling and walking away to the copy room to copy my papers for class.


I was leaving to go to Art class when Keem came up and hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back. I haven't seen him all day but that's not like him because he will check with the teacher and tell him that he is doing something but today he seemedd a little off.

"Hey Karm" he said

"Hey Keem" i said moving away from him a little.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"You smell like weed" i said as i held my nose.

"Forreal?" he said taking his shirt and sniffing it .

"Yes and it's giving me a headache" i said with a slight attitude.

"Sorry bout that, i just been stressed you know"

"Thats what you where doing first and second block?" i asked

"No i had to handle something" he said as a girl came up

"You left this" she said as she handed him his gold chain. She walked away and laughed while Hakeem just stood there in utter shock.

"Ohh that's what you had to handle, I see" I said walking into my class not wanting to hear anything he has to say.


All class i was thinking about Hakeem and that girl. Why should i care it's not like we "official" right? or are we? i really don't know but i just don't wanna think about it right now but i can't help but think about it. I can easily just go on with my day because this is a normal emotion for me.


I can get hurt and have it seem like it don't bother me at all but that's only because i been hurt so many times thats it's like a cycle. I just had some hope and trust that i thought that Hakeem wouldn't hurt me.

As i sat in silience and got lost in my thoughts the bell rang for the end of the day. I left and went to the front of the school so i can walk home. i started walking home until i realized. It's Friday my brother don't have practice today i went by my brothers car and waited until he go there. I saw him walking with the crewv and Hakeem was with them. When he spotted me he just stared at me, you can tell he was trying to figure out what to say to me.

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