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Harry's POV

I stand with her, on our way to where I parked the car. On the way to he car, she remained silent, yet she was smiling the whole fucking time.

"Hey, Check this out." She slow runs towards a fountain. 

"What about it?" I ask her.

"Well, throw a quarter and make a wish. Duh." She playfully hits my shoulder and I laugh

"I'd rather pick all of those quarters up and not waste time on throwing one." I rolled my eyes playfully and turned around. "Wishes on ountains won't grant anyways."

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't know you don't like fountains and lovely things." She fake pouts and looks down at the ground. 

"Hey, I was just kidding." Fountains and waters aren't really my type but this is for her. I have to make her happy. I'm the one who asked her to be with me for the rest of the day. 

"Okay then." She closes her eyes and I'm guessing she's making a wish. She looks so beautiful. Eyes closed gently, Lips parted, thighs and legs together with a small gap, hands on her stomach. She throws the coin into the water and smiles. 

"Let's go?" She tells me and grabs my wrist. I bet she's having fun at the moment. 

"Can we please buy some of those cotton candies over there?" She points at the cotton candy stand. "Please? I'll pay. I've never eaten one of those since I've been here in Vancouver." She says. What? She's not from Vancouver? That explains why she's only having an apartment and not her own house with her parents around her. That's actually better. No elders around. 

"Sure. But I'll pay." She jumps up and down and she grabs my wrist once again and we run together at the cotton candy stand. A man in a blue apron smiles at her in a friendly way and she does too.

"I'll have the color blue please." I hear her voice from the bench. "Would you like to have one, Harry?" She bends over to her back to ask me. 

"No thanks." I respond. 

"Okay." She bends straight back to her original position and pays for the cotton candy. She's now holding a blue cotton candy and she's already on her way to me. 

"You're eating that before lunch?" I ask her and she rolls her eyes. 

"Duh. Understand my situation." She laughs and I join her. She turns to her side and I realize that she's wathcing little kids play at the playground. I quickly grab my phone to sneak a picture of her. I click the screen and the picture of her was saved. I stole a photo of her standing sidewards, taking a piece of her blue cotton candy in her mouth and smiles slightly. I'm sure she wouldn't mind. I slide to unlock my phone and I'm planning to make it my wallpaper and not tell her. I hear my stomach growl and I'm hungry as hell. 

"Can we go now?" I ask her. She nods and doesn't say a word. I stand up and she walks with me. 

Ally's POV

We're now at Burger King to have a light lunch. Harry waits in line to order while I'm here, walking round and round, finding an empty table for us to sit on. I finally found one and I run to it, making sure no one is taking it from me. I sit down and smile at myself. It's like I won a race. I snatch my phone from my pocket and check if there's a free WiFi around. I found one and thank God it doesn't hold a password. 

"Sup?" A  handsome jet black haired guy talks to me. Or is he even talking to me? 

"Hey." He talks, again. "Hello?" 

"Are you talking to me or..." I ask him. 

"Of course you." He smiles heavenly. 

"But, I don't know you. Are you going to ask me something?" I ask him gesturing my hands on myself. 

"No. I just recognized you and I thought I would talk to you for a while. Hi, I'm Zayn." He introduces himself with a warm smile. 

"I'm All-" 

"I see you've met my friend, Zayn." Harry's voice from my back causes my to jump. 

"Yeah. She's drop-dead gorgeous, Man." I hear Zach whisper to Harry. 

"Zach, I-" 

"It's Zayn." He corrects me. My sentences have been cut two times now. 

"Sit down." Harry tells Zayn and they both sit down. 

"How did you guys even meet? I mean, why are you friends?" I scratched my head in confuse. 

"Well, We were friends since fifth grade when I transferred school here in Vancouv. I moved back to England at seveth grade and never came back till today." Harry explains and takes a sip of his coke. 

"Oh. It's been a long time." I feel bad for them not seeing each other for the past few or more years. 

"Let's just eat." Harry takes a bite of his big burger and  takes a sip of his coke again. 

"What was your name again? Harry didn't let me finish it." he chuckles slightly and I did too. 

"Ally." He takes out his hand and attempts to shake my hand. I let mine out too and shake his hand. His hand is soft for a boy though. I like it. I never actually touched Harry's hand yet but, I'm hoping one time I will before he leaves the hotel. 

We had a great time with Zayn. Talking about the past, Harry making terrible jokes. I didn't really tell him that his jokes are terrible cause he'd freak out and run away. Just kidding, he would probably be mad. I'm already sitting in Harry's car as he drives slowly to my apartment. 

"Well, see you tomorrow at the hotel, yeah?" He tells or asks me. I don't really know what he is trying to mean and say. 

"Sure. I'll get there even before you wake up. I'm sure you're not a morning person, unlike me." I challenge him. 

"Sorry but, I don't do waking up early." He laughs and I stick out my tongue at him. He finally sayd goodbye and leaves with his car. I put my hand inside my sling bag to search for my keys. After who knows how seconds passed, I finally found it. I step inside the elevator and press the number of my floor. I hear my phone ring, signaling me that I received a message. I slide my phone to unlock it and the mssage was from my mother.

"How are you there? I'm sorry I only had to text you. I'm out of balances to call and I couldn't drive tot he mall or any loading place. I love you sweetheart." My mother is just too sweet. Probably the most protective person I know. 

"I'm fine, Mom. Really. Mrs. Brooks has been handling me for the past two years now and I'm getting to do some things on my own. I love you too, mom. I really have to take a nap. I'm tired"  I reply and put my phone back in my pocket and the elevator door slides open in half. I step out the elevator and it closes. Doesn't surprise me. I open the door to my room and see nobody inside. I guess Ciara's gonna be coming home a little later, as always. 

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