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Allison Bynes

"London?" My eyes widen. "As in, United Kingdom? England?" He nods and my eyes just can't calm down and won't relax. 

Of all the places in the world, it had to be in London. Well, I could not be close to Harry. London is big and I bed he's far from the city. It's impossible for both of us to just bump in each other and stay silent for moments. 

"Something wrong, Ally?" Mr. Portman asks me and I snap back to reality. 

"Oh, um nothing. I was just.. thinking." I smile and he nods at me. Louis looks at me curiously and I sigh. I shake my head at him, letting him know It really is nothing. 

"Okay then. So in this tour, you and Louis should be together. I mean, you shouldn't be anywhere far each other because it will be hard to find you and miss your flight. So, stick together and don't get lost. Bodyguards will be around you to keep danger and crazy fans off. You guys are really famous, I tell you." He chuckles and we just smile. 

"When are we leaving?" Louis asks, excitedly. And I am beyond nervous. 

"If today is Thursday, is it?" He asks, pausing his sentence. We nod. "You're leaving on Saturday."

Why so soon? I haven't expected it to be this rush and I haven't even told Zayn about it yet. What is he gonna say? I'm sure he'll understand. It's my job and he shall care for it of he does care for me. I sure would like to bring him with me, but he has his own job. 

The talk with Mr. Portman was over and I still can't get over the fact that; one, we're going to London. Two, our books are big in London. According to Mr. Portman, very big. I decide to call Zayn and see what he's up to. He picks up at the third ring and I smile at hearing his voice. 

"What's up, Al?" He asks. I sigh jokingly

"I thought I told you only my aunt calls me Al?" I laugh and he chukles. 

"Yeah, sorry. So what's up?" He repeats his first words. 

"Well.... Is it okay with you if I go to London on Saturday? You know, England? British people?" 

"I know where London is, but why?" He says. "Are you going on a vacation without me?" He fake cries on the phone. I giggle and smile, even though he can't see me. 

"Oh you're sick. Of course not. It's all about work. We're gonna be signing books and it seems that London has been the place where our works got very big according to Mr. Portman." 

"That's great, Ally." I know he's smiling through the phone, I can feel it. A man's voice from the phone; probably behind him calls his name saying 'Malik, we have a new patient and she needs proper operation. Hurry.', "Gotta go, Ally. See you tomorrow, okay? I'll help you pack your things."

"Sure. Thanks. Love you." I say. 

"Love you too." The line cuts off and I sigh. At least he's happy I'm gonna be going to London. I haven't actually told him yet that I was going with Louis. I shrug to myself and get back to work. 

Harry Styles

I woke up late today, since I really had nothing to do. Glad another cockroach didn't invade Gemma's room again. Currently, right now, I'm on my laptop monitoring stuff about Ally. Since when did she even became famous? How come I haven't known about her? Or I guess it's because I don't watch TV that much, and I don't go on internet much too. 

I click the other link which was just posted a few hours ago. I smile that there's a new report about her. I read the small letters and my eyes widens.

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