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Harry's POV

"Let's order Lasagna Supreme!" Gemma tells me, and I nod in approval. 

I haven't ate lasagna for how many years, and I think it's a great time to eat since me and my sister are spending time alone. I look at her, and she keeps her eyes on the menu seriously, and calls the waitress. 

"We'll have two lasagna supreme and coke. Make the other one diet coke." 

"Two lasagna supreme, one diet coke and regular coke." She repeats Gemma's words and my sister nods. "So, are you two a couple?" 

I laugh at her question. "She's my sister." 

"Oh, my bad." She chuckles. "Better get your orders. Be right back in six minutes." 

Six minutes sharp, and the waitress arrives with our food. She serves both of our meals, including diet and regular coke. I take a piece og the pasta and blow it, despite its hotness. The cheese connects with my tounge and I chew on it with happiness. Cause of the fact that I haven't taste one of these in ages, I forgot the taste. I forgot how delictible this is. 

I sip on my coke and eat again. I check on Gemma, who's eating carefully, which is far when she's at home. She eats like a pig but, when she's outside, she eats slower than a turtle just to make people believe she's that kind of a good eater. What I mean, she eats in a nice way outside, but it's obvious she's trying hard. I laugh at the thought and look down on my food again, eating the last piece of my pasta. 

We are done eating our food, and drinking our cokes; her diet coke; and pay for our food. The waitress gives us our change and we step out of the restaurant. I hop on my car and drive. 

"What's the hurry?" She speaks.

"Have you heard of the word 'tired'? We've been to a party." 

"Oh yeah. How come I didn't think of that." She rolls her eyes sarcastically, and I continue to drive. 

The rest of the drive was quiet, untill we arrive at home. I look at the time and it's still nine two. The time had gone by so fast, I haven't realized we had dinner so late. 

Ally's POV

I hear a loud noise from my alarm clock and I turn it off. I almost forgot I have work today. I wonder if Zayn's at home or already at his work, cause if he's still at home, I am gonna go to his apartment at kick his butt off to work. Just kidding, I wouldn't do that to my baby. 

I finally finished showering after what feels like two hundred and fifty years and get dressed. I put on my usual work outfit, dress just at the knee level, paired up with black blazer. I apply a little make-up aove my eyes, and on my cheeks, paired up with not-too-red lipstick. My sandals connects with my feet and I grab my purse and lock the door to my room. 

I hop on my car and drive. I had this car since I got the job. I saved some money from when I worked at the hotel, and added up with when I work at DLC. Of course, my work now is much better than before, cause we have big salary every month. Even Zayn does, he's a pro doctor now and I'm proud of him. Too proud, if I'm saying. 

I arrive at the company in five minutes and park my car at the parking space. When I'm about to walk through the glass door, Sir. Bob, the bodyguard, opens the door and greets me, as always. I greet him back and push the elevator button to my floor. Second floor. Someone stops the door from closing, and I figure it was Maurice. My best friend in work, since she was the first one I met and the one who showed me the place and my office. 

"Oh, Hey Ally. Morning." She greets me and the door closes, leaving us inside.

"Morning, Mau." I call her Mau, pronounced as Maw. 

"So, how many papers are you processing today?" She asks

"Two hundred. Yours?" 

"Five hundred. Aww, you are lucky for today, though." She winks and the elevator door opens. "Well, see you around."

I walk to my office and sit down at my chair. I turn the computer on and start computing my papers. Well, mostly stories. My stories that are Harry inspired. 'Come Back' is about Harry, the story is about how I want him to come back and hold my hand the way he does when he was here. I want to see that smile of his again, and that infamous smirk he always plaster on his lips. 

"Ms. Bynes, you have a visitor." McKenna, my assistant, calls me, grinning.

She leaves my office, and suddenly Zayn appears on the door. I grin wide, and my eyes wide too. 

"Zayn!" I call loudly, and hug him.

He hugs me back and chuckles. "Hey, babe." 

"Why are you here? What about work?" 

"Well, it's my day off today and I was wondering if I could visit you. I brought you donuts." He hands out a paper bag and gives it to me. 

"Aww, let's eat it together. I couldn't possibly finish all of this." 

"As you say." He smiles and I laugh.

We ate every piece of the donuts and there was even a time Zayn had to wipe the side of my mouth cause it has the strawberry filling over my mouth. I laugh at the memory which was only a minute ago. I look at Zayn, who's peacefully eating beside me. I couldn't possibly ask for a better boyfriend than him. He's everyone's ideal and I'm happy I'm his ideal.

"What?" He faces me and I blush.

"Nothing. Just eat up." I giggle and he lets out a chuckle. 

Zayn had already left, which makes me really sad. I'm already back at my office, computing my papers. I sigh cause I'm still far from finished and type again. I stand up to get a cup of coffee. I open the door and close it behind me. I go over to the dispenser to get hot water and one sachet of coffee powder. I pour the coffee in the water and stir it with my spoon. 

The coffee gets warmer and warmer, which is proably not hot, and it's at the midde of the cup, still my papers aren't done yet. How the hell am I going to keep this up? There must be two hundred papers done in a day. Well, at least mine's far from Maurice's work. She's gonna compute five hundred in two days. Well, she's got two days and I got one, but at least it's only two hundred. 

A knock on the door pounds softly, and I let whoever that is come in. The door opens, revealing my assistant, McKenna. 

"Ma'am, phone call for you." 

"Who is it?" I ask her, slowly standing up.

"It's a girl." 

"Sure. I'll be there in a sec." I smile at her, and she nods before closing the door. 

I open the door back to see who my caller is. I pick the phone up and talk to her

"Hello?" I greet, more in a question way. 

"Hiii! Is this you, Ally?" 

"Yeah. And you are?" I must have done that in a mean way, damn. 

"Silly! It's me, Kelsey." 

Oh My God. Ms. Kelsey. 


Short chapter, I know. I'm kinda like in a hurry right now, so I'll make it up at the 17th chap. Love y'all :) xo

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