Ramadan Series 2018': 7

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  Maa Shaa Allah mean "whatever Allah wills"This expression is said by a Muslim whenever they are surprise or excited

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  Maa Shaa Allah mean "whatever Allah wills"

This expression is said by a Muslim whenever they are surprise or excited. They appreciate something and says that it's Allah's will that this has happened so they express their happiness with this expression.  


  Allahumma inni a'udhubika minal hammi wal hazan, wal 'ajzi wal kasal, wal bukhli wal jubn, wa dhala'id-dayni wa ghalabatir rijaal

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  Allahumma inni a'udhubika minal hammi wal hazan, wal 'ajzi wal kasal, wal bukhli wal jubn, wa dhala'id-dayni wa ghalabatir rijaal

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from grief and sadness, from weakness and from laziness, from miserliness and from cowardice, from being overcome by debt and from being overpowered by men (other people).

Al-Bukhari 7:158    


  1)'Umar bin Abu Salamah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), said to me, "Mention Allah's Name (i

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  1)'Umar bin Abu Salamah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), said to me, "Mention Allah's Name (i.e., say Bismillah before starting eating), eat with your right hand, and eat from what is near you."

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

2)'Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported:
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "When any of you wants to eat, he should mention the Name of Allah in the begining, (i.e., say Bismillah). If he forgets to do it in the beginning, he should say Bismillah awwalahu wa akhirahu (I begin with the Name of Allah at the beginning and at the end)."

[At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud].

3)Abu Umamah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Whenever the Prophet (ﷺ) finished a meal, he would say: "Al-hamdu lillahi hamdan kathiran taiyyiban mubarakan fihi, ghaira makfiyyin wa la muwadda'in, wa la mustaghnan 'anhu, Rabbuna. (All praise is due to Allah, praise which is abundant, pure, and full of blessings, which is indispensable and to which one cannot be indifferent).''


4)Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) never found fault with food. If he had inclination to eating it, he would eat; and if he disliked it, he would leave it.

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

5)Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "When any of you is invited to a meal, he should accept the invitation. If he is observing Saum (fasting), he should supplicate for the betterment of the host and if he is not fasting, he should eat."


6) 'Umar bin Abu Salamah (May Allah be pleased with them) reported:
I was a boy under the care of Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), and as my hand used to wander around in the dish, he (ﷺ) said to me once, "Mention Allah's Name (i.e., say Bismillah), eat with your right hand, and eat from what is in front of you."

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

7)Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "When a morsel of any of you falls, he should pick it up and remove any of the dirt on it and then eat it, and should not leave it for Satan nor should wipe his hand with towel until he has licked his fingers, for he does not know in what portion of the food the blessing lies."


8)Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to breathe three times in the course of a drink (he used to drink in three gulps).

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Dated: 24th May 2018'

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